Yatiraja Vimsati of MnaavLa Maamunigal
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Fri Mar 08 1996 - 18:34:53 PST
Sri Ramanuja is the key Acharya , who followed the tradition established by AaLavandaar and his grand father Natha Munigal and established ,what we know today as Sri Bhagavat Raamaanuja Siddhaantham. Great Acharyas folowed him and enriched that Tradition . 1.Thiruvarangatthu AmudAnAr"s tribute to RaamAnujA Many of the AchAryAs acknowledged their debt of gratitude to Sri RamAnujA and offered their heart felt tributes to him. Thiruvarangatthu AmudanAr, a contemproary of Sri RAmanujA composed the RaamAnuja NooRRanthadhi , a work , which is part of the NaalAyira Divya Prabhandham. He became a disciple of KooratthAzhwAn at the suggestion of Sri RAmAnuja. 2. Sri NigamAntha MahA Desikan"s tribute to Lakshmana Muni Swami Desikan blessed us with "Yati Raaja Sapthathi , a work consisting of 70 verses. There he celebrated the ancient nature of Sri Bhagavat RaamAnuja SiddhAntham. He pointed out the special significance of LakshmaNAryA's(Raamaanuja"s) upadesam as enshrined in his Sri Sookthis. Like Thiruvarangatthu AmudaanAr, Swami Desikan also asserted that RAmAnuja"s holy feet are more important than that of the Lord Himself.He explained his reason for this strong Aacharya Bhakti for Yati Raaja. In the fifteenth verse of Yati Raaja Sapthathi , he stated: AMUNAA TAPANAATHISAAYEE BHOOMNAA YATIRAAJENA NIBHADDHA NAAYAKA SREE : I MAHATI GURU PANKTHI HAARA YASHTI: VIBHUDHAANAAM HRUDHYANGAMAA VIBHADHI II Here, Swami Desikan compares Sri RAmAnujA to the beautiful center piece of a necklace made up of brilliant gems. Each of the gem is a PoorvAcharya. The splendor of the Center piece according to Swami outshines the radiance of the Sun. That Naayaka Mani (Center piece) unlike the Sun removes the inner darkness as opposed to the Sun, which removes only the external darkness. Swami Desikan says that the entire Achaarya Parampara is uplifted by the Nayaka Mani, Sri RaamAnuja. Such was the reverence of Swami Desikan for Sri RAmAnuja. 3. ManavALa Maamuni's tribute to Yati Raaja The focus of this posting will be the Yati Raja Vimsati of Sri ManavALa Maamuni . In twenty beautiful verses, he distilled the essence of his Bhakthi for Sri RaamAujA . Maamuni was born in Azhwaar Thirunagari a year after Swami Desikan ascended to Sri Vaikuntam. The Year was 1370 AD. He lived for 73 Years on this earth and rendered great service by blessing us with commentaries on Sri Pillai Lokaacharyar"s Rahasya Granthams .He was a disciple of ThiruvaiMOzhi Pillai, who himself was a disciple of Sri PiLLai Lokaacchaar . Maamuni"s Acharya sked him to focus on Thirvaimozhi and give minimum attention to Sanskrit sources and Sri Bhashyam. After his Guru"s death in 1410AD, Maamuni spent some time at Kanchi and learnt Sri Bhashyam from a disciple of Brahma Tantra Svatantra Jeeyar, a direct disciple of Swami Desikan. Maamuni had high regard for Swami Desikan and called Swami Desikan as Abhiyuktar or the Revered one. After his return from Kanchi, he elected Sanyasa Asrama and was known as Yatinra PravaNar, or the leader among Sanyasis. His reverence for RamAnujA and Nammazhwar had no limits. He intrepreted Thiruvaimozhi as per his Guru"s wish and wrote brilliant commentaries for the Rahasya Granthas left to us by Sri Pillai Lokaacchaar. His first work was his tribute to Rammanuja in twenty verses known as Yatiraja Vimsathi. He blessed us with the commentaries on Srivachana Bhooshanam, Tattvatrayaa, Mumkshuppati of Sri Lokaacchaar. He wrote a commentary for the RamAnuja Nooranthadhi . He also wrote a commentary for AruLaLa PermuAL EmperumAnAr"s Jnana Saara and Prameya Saara. He composed Thiruvaimozhi Nooranthadhi to celebrate Nammazhwaar"s thousand verses . The other works by him are Upadesa Ratna Maala, a summary of the Guruparampara and Alwaar"s teachings, Thiruvaaradhanakramaa, in the spirit of Sri Ramanuja"s Nitya Grantham. Towards the end of his life, he created a beautiful commentary on Acharya Hrudhayam, a work by the brother of Pillai Lokaacchaar. He came to know that the white ants had damaged partly the Commentary of Periyavaacchaan PLLai on Periyaazhwaar"s pasurams. He replaced the missing four decades with his own commentary and filled the gap. When he became too ill , he began to pray to Ramanuja to bless him with entry to Sri Vaikuntam with great ardour and anguish (Aarthi). He dictated one verse a day. the collection of those moving verses came to be known as Aarthi Prabhandham, which was his final work. He begged forgivenness of any apacharams committed to his sishyaas and gave away all his books and Araadhana Moorthis to Lord Ranganatha and entered Parama Padam. His famous disciples were the eight elephants of the quarters(Dik Gajaams) (VIZ) VanamAmalai Jeeyar, Bhattar Piraan Jeeyar, Thiruvenkata Jeeyar, Koyil Kanthaadai Jeeyar , Prativadhi Bhayankaram ANNan, AppiLLan, Erumbi Appa, and AppiLLai . They carried on the tradition established by their illustrious Acharya. In the next posting , I will summarize the highlights of the 20 Verses of Yatiraja Vimsathi of MaNavALa Maamunigal. Azhwaar , AchaaryaaL Thiruvadigaleh Saranam Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan
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