feedback on feedback
From the Bhakti List Archives
M K Sudarshan • Mon Jun 30 1997 - 00:31:29 PDT
Dear Sri.Sadagopan, Thank you so much for your kind words about the "bhishma-stuthi". It is amazing, too, how you've been able to draw upon some moving "krithis" of Sri.Thyagraja to illustrate how one ought to regard the celebration of the Lord's Glory as an end in itself rather than as a means ! (My mother, Srimathi.Mani Krishnaswami, would have thoroughly enjoyed the allusions to the "krithi-s" !) I'm reminded of an old and pregnant Zen proverb, "Know Ye well, Oh, travellers of this world, the Journey is the Destination !". Similarly, as you have rightly pointed out, if one is blessed with opportunity to share "bhagavath- guNAnubhavam" (like the one Sri.Mani Varadarajan has provided us all on the Net) then such opportunity, by itself, is the Lord's reward to us ! There is nothing else we need seek ... least of all "feed-back" on the Net !! My seeking "feed-back" should not be misconstrued as a petty attempt to draw some gratuitous applause in the form of a "shabbAsh!" or "bEsh-bEsh !!" from members. I must clarify here that what I'd meant by "feedback" was really audience confirmation of or correction to the many ideas, opinions and views I was putting forward (or "parroting") in the course of my posts on the "bhishma- stuthi" ! I was and still continue to be afraid that in spite of my best efforts to remain faithful in my presentations to the central message of our "siddhAntam" and of my "manaseeka-AchAryan", I may be inadvertantly making many errors. However, I'm quite gratified to note from Sri.Sadagopan's comments that my posts do pass muster, after all ! Thank you too, Sri.Kalale, for your own kind comments. I also take this opportunity to wish your own publishing efforts the very best. I shall wait for it all to bear fruit when perhaps I can look forward to receiving a signed copy of the book. adiyEn/dAsan, sudarshan
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