Re: Sampath Rengarajan's visit to Divya Desams
From the Bhakti List Archives
Krishna Kalale • Fri Jun 20 1997 - 08:39:33 PDT
Dear Sri Sampath Rengarajan, I cant tell you how happy I am for you and family for the unique experience you have had in India and particularly prapatti in srirangam. NO wonder that you did prove that you hail from such a wonderful lineage of our acharyas. My heart felt blessings for you (and family). I am no elder or a knowledgeable person to bless you. I dont know why I felt like this. I wish I knew so much tamil as you do so that I could experience the alwar's divya suktis while having sevai of appropriate archa murthys. I pray to God that such wonderful sevas and meetings with acharyas occur to all of us and others in this universe. I would like to call you one of these days. Please email me your telephone number. I had been to India on business for a couple of weeks. I had some luck in meeting couple of my gurus. I could not meet jeeyars this time. I will write about couple of my experiences and instructions I obtained by my gurus in the next mail. Regards Krishna At , you wrote: > >--------------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )--------------------- >Date: Thursday, 19 June 1997 5:43pm >From: (Jai Ramalin) >Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 17:42:24 -0400 >X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.2.1 15feb95) >To: >Subject: My visit to Divya Desams >Cc: >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Reply-To: > > >Hi, Can you please post this article by Sampath Rengarajan in > Bakhti group? >Thanks. >Jai > > > >Dear bAgawathALs, > > I am just back from a trip to India. My trip was >sudden and less planned for, as I had to come back in time for starting >a new project. There were two captivating notes earlier in this forum >from respected bAgawathALs (Srimans KalAlE and Jagan about their >discussion and stay with achAryAL). Continuing in the same tradition I >will try to present some useful notes about my trip for those who are >looking forward to hear from me after my trip. I had some meaningful >discussion with our achAryAL about the needs of ahObila muth in India. >I also had lengthy discussions both in shAsthram and on the needs of >other institutions with the swamis like Ponudrikapuram Srimad aNdavan, >Sri thAthtAtchAr of thiruppathi periyasramam, Sri Sudarsanam Iyengar >Puththur Krishnaswamy, Srirangam Ramanuja ratham organizer Sri >KrishnaswamigaL, Sri Anantha NarasimhAchAr and Sri VN GopalaDesikan and >many Battars of various temples I visited. Most of my discussions were >questions from me to clear my doubts and their answers on the >followings. >1. Some pAsurams (on the inner meanings that I conceived) >2. Some important aspects of some kshEthrams >3. Vaibavams of our Azhwaars >4. Some important history in our gurupArampariyam especially >about our three past Jeers from their poorvAsramam family members and >muth followers. > >I also spent a lot of time seeking information on the >two ANdavan muths (periyasramam and poundrikapuram) and their heirarchy. >These discussions triggered me with more interest in our sampradAyam. >They blessed me to do more kaimkaryams and also encouraged me to >complete my intended one pAsuram per kshEthram project with perumAl's >aruL. > >My Visit to divya dEsams: > > I began my visits to divya dEsams by dashing to >Srirangam straight from Madras Airport (after a brief stop >at my in-laws place at Trichy) and worshipping Lord Arangan by chanting >amalan aathi piraan and Sri RanganAtha prapaththi slogam from Sri >pAthugA sahasram. By coincidence, Kauveri water was brought to me for >my consumption when I arrived. The thirumuga maNdalam of Arangan was >glorious, quite brilliant and my experience was unique this time >as I had the darshan after realising the complete inner meanings >of amalan aathi pirAn. I was presented with the prasAdams (selvarappam) >and the "vasthram" from periya perumAl. Then I visited udayavar sannithi >and to my pleasant surprise that day was also the udayavar >thirunakshaththiram day. > > I had the special darshan of udayavar's thirumEni >ITself (for being the ubayakkArAL of periya perumal) seated as >the moolavar of that sannithi. Lord Namperumal Ranganathar >(ie. ursavar of Ranganathar) visits this sannithi >this day to be with udayavar and when HE returns to the abode >it is said that they do prOkshNam on the Lord HIMslef as HE visited the >sannithi where the thirumENi of udayavar is kept. I didn't see >this event as this account is narrated to me by of one of the Battars. >On paNguni uththiram day udayavar's ursavar visits Arangan's moolavar >sannithi in return). > > Next I visited the brindAvan of Thiru Mazhisai AzhwAr (HIS >"jeeva" samAthi) at thiruk kudanthai and prayed for all of us who had >recently discussed about HIS Vaibavam at length in this forum. I then >proceeded to visit Sri Komalavalli samEtha Sri ArAvamuthan of Thiruk >kudanthai, and HIS twin Sri ChakrapANi perumAL. I also visited >Oppiliappan koil several times and sought the blessings from Lord Oppiliappan >(because of whom I was born on thai sravaNam) for the success of the >intended kaimkaryam for BoomAdevi thAyar on behalf of Sri Sadagopan. >He had requested me to do so when I left. The darshan of thirumuga >maNdalam of than oPPArillppan was also quite unique this time >after realising the inner meanings "vAmanan adiyiNai maruvuvarE". I >visited the first temple of srisampradAyam "thiruk kaNNa mangai". There >was so much for me to learn from there this time. I will attempt to write >the thalapurANam later when I complete the current tasks. I then visited >Thiruch ChErai and had special blessings from the thAyAr SAranAyaki through >"archagar vAkku" ! I visited thiru NaRaiyoor and had the darshan of >all the 108 Divya Desams there itself by worshipping the 108 Divya >MangaLa Vigrahams that our Lord Nambi HIMself had offered to an ailing >bakththAL who could not go to all the kshEthrams. (See my thaala purANam >for thiru NaRaiyoor). I had the aNyOnya darsaNam of periya thiruvadi, >Kal Garudan Sri Pakshi RAjan and prayed for all those who joined me last >year to donate for the kaimkaryams of the ursavams in NAchchiyAr kOil. >I also prayed for those who discussed about HIS Vaibavam in this >forum recently. The thirumuga maNdala darsanam of this Lord was also >unique in realising certain inner meanings and chanting from the >"madal" of thiru mangai. > > >My BaranyAsam or Prapatti: > > I had my baranyAsm (prapatti) at the holy feet of 45th Jeer at >DasAvathAra Sannithi in Srirangam. Though the place of undertaking >prapatti does not matter philosophically speaking, I had always wanted >to do my CharaNagathi in Srirangam. To do so, I had to wait for my >AchAryAL's visit to this particular place during his busy schedule on >his way to Thiruppathi for the inauguration of ahObila muth complex >there. As per the plan Jeer arrived on 24th evening and stayed until >25th afternoon providing me a window of opportunity to have my >BaranyAsam. On that day, Reporters (Media persons) from HINDU, Express, >and Tamil Journals Kumudam and Dinamani etc. were there for an hour >interviewing Jeer about the complex inauguration by the President of >India. As per shAstram a Jivan has to wait several years in a birth to >realise the need for undertaking prapatti and actually undertaking it >as well by God's grace. However, for me the waiting time for >confirmation of Jeer's itinerary and hence my intention of underetaking >BaraNyAsam *seemed* to have taken 1 week only. > > I felt I was in SrivaikuNdam itself when I got into the hall >of DasAvathAram sannithi after bathing in thiruk Kauveri. >There were 150 (one hundred fifty) Srivaishnvas packed in the >sannithi loudly chanting thirup pallAndu and sAththu muRai. Subsequently, >I had the unique opportunity of having my SamAsrayEnam followed by BaranyAsam. >Perhaps it was Arangan's blessings that Srimad ANdavan of Poundrika Puram >had also paid a visit then and worshipped Sri MAlOlan. This was a very special >moment as I had the blessings from both the swamis at the same time after >my prapatti. The personal discussions I had with Jeer cleared many of >my annYAnams. As he was rendering his upadEsam he looked at me eye to eye >all the time and that experience was exhilarating. It was indeed then >I realised many meanings of prapatti and >that bakthi mArgam is the only way (upAyam) to attain mOksham. >However since it is so difficult for tainted souls like many of us to follow >this mArgam strictly, we undertake to surrender at the feet of Lord >through our achAryAL. We request the Lord HIMself to be the upAyam by >replacing bakthi mArgam and offer us the ultimate status for the soul. >This is done by realising that even our soul belongs to HIM and that >the souls have no control over anything at anytime. The souls are only waiting >with mahAviswAsam from then on for HIS deliverance at the end of this birth. >The most important realisation for us at this juncture is that >even our soul belongs to HIM and that from now on we are not to >undertake anymore intellectual play especially for obtaining mOksham. >There were disussions in this forum earlier on, "are we to ask for mOksham ?" >and that such discussions brought many views. >The Vadakalai SampradAyam and their observations derived from >Srimad Bagwath Geetha were explained to me by Jeer prior to going deeper >into prapatti. Such explanations were answering some of these questions. > > Another important aspect of undertaking prapatti is such that >MOksham has to be sought ONLY ONCE and not anymore after the assurances >delivered in this moment (while undertaking prapatti) by the Lord >through achAryAL. We have to even leave the feeling that we did >prapatti and that we are assured of moKsham. ie. We also have to leave >"this feeling" at the feet of the Lord. This may seem trivial but only >a mind with "pakkuvam" (a rough translation for "pakkuvam" here is >"spiritual maturity") can right away understand and realise this >concept at this moment. And this is the very reason why many elders >belonging to the early part of the century (in vadakalai sampradAyam) >waited in their life for undertaking prapatti. > >Some Misconceptions in the Current Society: > > On contrary to what was discussed above, there seems to be some >thoughts in our vadakalai community that tends one to shy away >and delay their undertaking of BaranyAsam. The main reason quoted is the >difficulty in observing AhAra niyamanam in their lowkeeka routines. >It is misconceived that this difficulty can be overcome by >undertaking BaraNyAsam at an older age. It is said that this misconception >arises due to karmic influence and the anAynam one has in their mind. However >there are only two strict observations that are mandatory after BaraNyAsam. >They are avoiding aNya dEvatha aRadana and bAgawatha apachAram. Thus, not >undertaking baraNyAsam in the early age due to the difficulties in strictly >observing ahAra niyamanam may not be right. > > BaranyAsam can also be done for sisu in the womb, animals, >birds, fishes, plants, tress and stones (mountains). There is no limit >for this. The only prerequisite I can think of is to have the "nYanam" >or knowledge to do prapatti. This nyAnam itself is due to the grace of Lord >and one has to realise that. > > It is often said that the requirement of anthimasruthi is waived >once baraNyAsam is done and it is no more mandatory as per Srimad bagwath >geetha'a charma slOkam. In baraNyAsam there is a slOkam by which we >request the Lord to come to our side during the anthima nEram and >take us through the archirArtha mArgam whether we are able and can think of >HIM or not. It is debatable whether the anthima nyAnam is required or not. >However, as per Swami DEsikan, anthima nyAnam will prevail only for those >who are living their life observing the required anushtAnam. >As per poorvAchchAryAL, if one commits bAgawatha apachAram >and doesnot repent, then for such souls anthima nyAnam will never >prevail. As per Sri SAranAtha perumaL,those who simply put their feet >on the sAru or sands of thirch chErai, are forgiven for their sins and are >blessed with the anthima nyAnam irrespective of their caste and deeds. > > What transpired between me and achAryAL during this moment of >prapatti is personal and confidential and hence I cannot go much deeper >into that. > >My Visit to Thirumalai: > >I visited thiruk KOviloor and chanted the first pAsuram of 4000 "vaiyamE >thagaLiyA" in thiru UlagaLanthaan sannithi. I visited Thiruch ChAnoor >PadmAsanith ThAyAr and Sri GOvindarajan. Then my wife and I climbed the >seven hills by bare foot, chanting the slOkam of swami dEsikan, from >amirtha Ranjani "kaNNan adiyinai emakkuk kaattidum veRppu,...vEngada >veRpana viLangum vEda veRpE!" (veRpu - means malai or mountain in tamil). >I worshipped "kulasEkarap padi" and had nEtra darshan of ThiruvEngada >mudaiyAn of thirumalai. > >Prior to leaving for US, I once again had the darshan of Lord Arangan >and Para VAsudEvan in Srirangam. This time I was allowed to stay in >the sannithi for a longer time as I did arachana through archagar >and as well by my mAnaseeka arAdanai for Moolavar SriRanganathar. > >While visiting these temples I chanted the corresponding pAsurams >of the Lord. My Grand Father used to tell us that the best sEvai >of divya dampathis is the "OOnchal sEvai" in any divya dEsam. >Luckily in 4 of the divya dEsams I had the opportunity to see the >"oonchal sEvai". > >Overall, I had good darshan of divya dampathis. One of the elder >achAryAL commented to me that it is due to the realisation of the >true meanings of some of the corresponding pAsurams of the Lord that >one will be able to have an unique experience while having the darshan of >thirmuga maNdalam. > >adiyEn >Sampath Rengarajan > > > >
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