Kaimkaryam at Oppiliappan Koil

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Jun 19 1997 - 04:37:12 PDT

Dear Devotees of Divya Dampathis :

Varaha Sarama Slokam is one of the most reassuring
messages from Adhi Varaha PerumAn . In response to
the concerned query of His consort , Bhumi Devi , 
Bhu Varahan assures Her that He will come to the rescue 
the Jeevans at their last moments , when they are unconscious 
and are in a state similar to wood or stone. He states that 
He will come to their rescue unfailingly and lead them to 
Parama Padham as long as they have thought of Him ,
when they were firm of limb . He hints that there is no need 
for anthima Smrithi for them . Such is the compassion of 
Bhu Devi that She "extracted ' this concession/response from
Her Lord on behalf of us , the suffering  children of Hers . 

Such is the glory of Bhu Devi Saluted by Swami Desikan 
in one of his Bhu Sthuthi Slokams as " Sarvam SahA  , 
Avani , AchalA , VisvambharA , VasundharA , VipulA , AnanthA ,
Pruthvee et al . 

Swami starts off his Bhu Sthuthi with his SaraNAgathi :

sankalpa kalpa lathikAm avadhim KshamAyA :
     svecchA Varaha mahisheem sulabhAnukampAm I
visvasya maatharam akinchana KaamadhEnum
     VisvambharAm asaraNa: saraNam prapadhyE II

( Extended  Meaning ) : Our Lord took the avahtAram 
as Varahan out of His own sankalpam . Bhu Devi was
His dear consort in this avathAram . She is like a kalpaka 
creeper in granting the wishes of Her devotees . She is the 
boundary of compassion and forbearance . She forgives 
all of our trespasses. She responds easily and readily 
to all of our prayers. She is the Mother of  this universe
and protects Her children always. She responds to those,
who are unable to undertake the rigors of Bhakthi Yogam
and in this matter , She acts like the wish-fulfilling KamadhEnu
to those who surrender unto Her through the sacred act of 
Prapatthi . I , who have no succor  , perform my prapatthi to this 
Divya Mahishi of the Lord , Bhumi Devi in all humility .

Bhumi Devi is the dear consort of Sri OppilA Appan 
at Oppiliappan Sannidhi , the Divya Desam celebrated by 
four AzhwArs thru their own SaraNAgathis. 

Last August , many of you joined in the RathnAngi -Mutthangi 
Kaimkaryam for the Uthsavar and Moolavar . A committee 
based in Madras raised close to 10 lakhs of rupees and today 
the uthsavar (Ponnappan ) gives us His Darsanam  resplendently 
attired in His RathnAngi . The Moolavar ( ThiruviNNagarappan 
and Bhumi Devi ) joyously offer their Darsamam bedecked 
in their splendid Mutthangis . 

There is still an incompleteness to this Kaimkaryam . 
The Uthsavar Bhumi Devi is enjoying the indescribable beauty 
of Her Lord Ponnappan . She has however been left out in the 
plans to honor them all . Many devotees of Bhumi Devi Sametha 
Oppiliappan wish therefore  to complete this Kaimkaryam through the 
creation of a Mangayarkarasi or MaaNikka Kondai to Bhumi
Devi . As you might know , this Kondai is unique to AndAL 
at Srivilliputthur . AndAL is the incarnation of Bhumi Devi 
( SaakshAth KshamAm GodhAm in Swami Desikan "s 
words in GodhA sthuthi ) . It is therefore appropriate to 
present Bhumi Devi this gem-bedecked kondai 
to celbrate Her as BhuvarAha Mahishi
and AndAL( the empress ) at Oppiliappan Kovil . 

Sri K. Suresh of Bechtel , Singapore has made the first 
contribution to this Kaimkaryam . I will  match every 
one of the dollars/ Rupees that fellow members of this 
group and family wish to contribute to this once -in-a -life-time
Kaimkaryam to honor our Mother , Bhumi Devi , the consort of
SravaNa VenkatEsan of ThiruviNNagar Kshethram . 

The crown will be set in rubies and will have the design 
of the one worn by brides on their wedding days . There is some 
funds left from the RathnAngi-Mutthangi Kaimkaryam and 
whatever that is needed  should  be  under 2,000$ at the most
in my assessment .

May I request you to join the Kaimkaryam committee members 
and contribute what you wish  for this Kaimkaryam that will 
be a great opportunity to seek the blessings of our 
ever-compassionate Mother , Bhumi Devi ?

I conclude this appeal with Swami Desikan's DhyAna SlOkam 
on Bhu Devi :

pathyur dakshiNa pANi pankaja putE 
   vinyastha paadhAmbhujA 
Vaamam pannaga Saarvabhouma sadhrusam 
   paryankayanthee bhujam I
pothra sparsa lasath kapOLa palakA 
saa mE pushyathu mangaLAni anudinam
   SarvANi Sarvam SahA II

Swami Desikan visualizes Bhumi Devi resting her 
lotus feet on the left uplifted hand that is huge in
sizeas AdisEshA himself. She is using that hand
as the paryankam (bed ) for Her lotus feet . At this
time , She is tightly held by the Lord and Her left cheek 
is brushing with the right cheek of the Lord and she 
is in a blissful state of enjoyment of the nearness of 
Her Lord through this contact (RomAnjali ) . Her eyes  
in their state of Joy resemble just blossomed Lotuses . 
Swami Desikan  prays to this MangaLa moorthy 
united with the Lord to confer on him all auspiciousness
always . 

May the most merciful Bhumi Devi confer on us too 
all auspiciousness every day of our life on this earth .

Bhumi Devi ThAyAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam .

Oppiliappan Kovil VaradAchAri Sadagopan