From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Fri Jun 13 1997 - 12:49:39 PDT
Sri RAmajayam Stories from SRI VALMIKI's ANANDA RAMAYANAM - Continued This is the sixth posting in Ananda RAmAyaNam series: 4. Excerpt from SAra KANdam chapter 12: There is a wonderful SrI RAma ashtakam describing RAma's qualities in Ananda RAmAyaNam. This is attributed to Lord Siva who offers the salutation to SrI RAma during His PattAbhishekam ceremony: SugrIva mitram paramam pavitram SItA kalatram navamegha gAtram KAruNya pAtram satapatra netram SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (1) (O friend of SugrIva, the purest of all, SItA's nAyaka, one with a body like that of a new, just appearing cloud, one with great compassion, one with lotus eyes, SrI RAmacandra, salutations to you!) SamsAra sAram nigama pracAram DharmAvatAram hrtabhUmi bhAram SadA avikAram sukhasindhu sAram SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (2) (One who has passed beyond samsAra, one who propagates vEdas, one who is the embodiment of Dharma, one who relieves us from the burden of birth in this world, one who has no vihAram anytime, one who is an ocean of happiness, Oh SrI RAmacandra, salutations to you!) LakshmI vilAsam jagatAm nivAsam LankA vinAsam bhuvana prakAsam BhUdEva vAsam saradinduhAsam SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (3) (One who has LakshmI living with HIm, one who is the abode of all worlds, one who destroyed Lanka, one who enlightens all the worlds, one who lives in the hearts of BrAhmaNas, one who has the countenance with a smile like that of the autumn moon, SrI RAmacandra, salutations to you!) MandAra mAlam vachane rasAlam Gunair visAlam hatasapta tAlam KravyAda kAlam suralOka pAlam SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (4) (One who wears mandAra (coral) garland, one whose words are sweet like a sugarcane, one who is resplendent with good qualities, one who pierced seven trees with one arrow, one who caused the end of asuras, one who protects suralOka, Sri RAmacandra, salutations to you!) VedAnta gAnam sakalaisamAnam HrtAri mAnam tridasa pradhAnam Gajendra yAnam vigatAvasAnam SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (5) (O leader of vEdAntas, one who treats everyone equally, one who has subdued ego, one who is the leader of the dEvas, one who has GajEndra for his vAhana, one who has no end, SrI RAmacandra, salutations to you!) SyAmabhiRAmam nayanAbhiRAmam GuNAbhiRAmam vachanAbhiRAmam VisvapraNAmam krta bhakta kAmam SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (6) (One who has a pleasing countenance, one who has beautiful eyes, one who has delightful qualities and is sweet in words, one to whom the whole world bows in reverence, one who fulfills bhakta's desires, Sri RAmacandra, salutations to you!) LIlA sarIram raNaranga dhIram Visvaika sAram Raghuvamsa hAram GambhIra nAdam jitasarva vAdam SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (7) (One who took on a human form as part of His lIla, one who is the bravest in battlefield, one who is the meaning of all the worlds, one who is the garland of Raghuvamsa, one who has a majestice voice, one who can win over everyone through His convincing persuasion, Sri RAmacandra, salutations to you!) Khale krtAntam swajane vinItam SAmopagItam manasA pratItam RAgENa gItam vachanadatItam SrI RAmacandram satatam namAmi (8) (One who destroys His enemies, one who is full of respect to His elders, one who has been sung through SAma gAna, one who is worthy of meditation, one who is worthy of praise through songs, one who is beyond description by words, SrI RAmacandra, salutations to you!) SrI RAmacandrasya varAshtakam tvAm Mayeritam Devi manOharam ye Pathanti srNvanti grNanti bhaktyA TesvIya kAmAn pralabhanti nityam (9) (O RAmacandra! Whoever reads or listens to this sweet Ashtakam I prayed in your name, will have all their desires fulfilled!) More to come, Kalyani Krishnamachari
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