Subject: The Dvandva Paddhathi of RPS : Part 2

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Jun 11 1997 - 09:37:05 PDT

Slokam 11 of DP/Slokam 711 of RPS
The golden PadhukhAs decorating the two feet of the Lord
appear like His two Vibhoothis (LeelA and temple renovation

                                  AN APPEAL


Dear Asthikas

Sri Alarmelmanga sametha Sri Srinivasa Perumal temple, Thillaisthanam,
Thanjavur District is situated on the banks of river Cauvery. It is an
ancient temple dating back to about 200 years. Important functions like
Bramhosthavam, Thirupavithrosthavam, Dasara, Laksharchana and 
Thirukalyana Utsavum are celebrated by the devotees in a grand manner
every year. The temple was in a highly dilapitated condition. So Sri
Sudharsana Kaingariya Sabha, Thillaisthanam decided to renovate the 
temple and perform Samprokshanam. The Balalayum for Srinivasa Perumal
has already been performed and the renovation work is going on. We
believe that an inflow of funds from kind hearted devotees would
speed up the process. The Sudharsana Sabha most humbly requests
all devotees to participate in the renovation work by contributing
freely and see to the successful completion of this project.
The expected expenditure for this project comes to Rs. 5 lakhs.
Your participation in this noble cause would be most welcome.

May Sri Alarmalmanga sametha Sri Srinivasa Perumal's paripurna anugraham
always be with you and your family.

Sri P.Ramachandran (Treasurer)
Sri Sudharsana Kaingariya Sabha

Contact Address : Sri. P.Ramachandran
                  6/16 , Agraharam
                  Thillaistanam - 613203
                  Thanjavur Dt. , Tamilnadu

PS : you can call me or write to me in case you would like to contribute
or have other questions. thank you.

302 456 3626 (home ph.)