Sri RanganAtha PaadhukhA Sahasram: SamnivEsa Paddhathi--Part 2 ( SlokAs 11-20 )
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sat Jun 07 1997 - 16:59:52 PDT
Slokam 11 of SAMP /Slokam 791 of RPS ********************************************* O MaNi paadhukhE ! You are of worshipful form . You serve as protection for the Lord's holy feet as well as decoration for them . According to the demands of the occasion , you switch from one role (protection ) to the other ( decoration ) readily . You move between these two roles with ease and alacrity . Slokam 12 of SAMP / Slokam 792 of RPS *********************************************** O Mother ! O PaadhukhE ! The other decorative objects adorning the Lord's different limbs would be either small or big depending on the respective sizes of the limbs . O PaadhukhE ! although all the other jewellery of the Lord can not change their shape or size , you are able to change according to the changing occasion and fit your Lord's feet exactly . You are a delight (NayanAbhirAmam ) for us to enjoy on the Lord's feet with your exact fit on every occasion . Slokam 13 of SAMP / Slokam 793 of RPS ********************************************* In the previous verse , Swami Desikan saluted the PaadhukhAs as a delight to one's eyes . Here , he states that one needs thousand eyes to fully aborb the beauty of the PaadhukhAs adorning the Lord's feet . He says : " O PaadhukhE of the lotus-eyed Lord ! The devotees of yours fondly enjoy your beauty and yet thirst for more enjoyment . With the passage of time , their devotion ripens and they become born as thousand-eyed IndrAs to take in fully your captivating beauty. Slokam 14 of SAMP / Slokam 794 of RPS ********************************************** prathama pramANamithi vaadhinAm matham madhujithpadhE mahathi maasama bhudhithi I vyudhapAdhi tasya charaNAvani ! tvayA nigamAthmanastava samapramANathA II Swami Desikan's talent in using the multiple meanings of the words is abundantly evident here . The words " Padham , ApramANam , Sama pramANam and Nigama " are used cleverly by the kavi simham to convey the clear message that the Lord's holy feet is equal in glory to the paadhukhAs or vice-versa . "Padha " means either a step or a word. " Nigama " means either VedAs or an object that moves in the proper gait . " ApramANam " means something , which is beyond oral explanation . "Sama PramANam " means one , which has the same measure with another object . Using all of these words in a subtle manner , Swami Desikan says : " O PaadhukhE ! You seem not to support the view of the SaasthrAs that paadham of the Lord is apramANam . You seem to suggest that both the Lord's feet and yourself are of similar glory , since VedAs are the common link between the two . You appear to hint that both the Lord's holy feet and yourself are of equal measure in glory , since you are extolled by the PramANam known as VedAs in equal measures . Slokam 15 of SAMP / Slokam 795 of RPS ********************************************* Here , Swami Desikan answers the question posed earlier about the relative glory of the PaadhukhAs and the Lord's feet . He settles in favor of the PaadhukhAs and says that they are slightly superior in glory to the Lord's holy feet . He says : As the Lord's feet grew and enveloped the three worlds during the ThrivikramAvathAram , the paadhukhAs measured and covered the feet of the Lord , which can not be measured or described easily by anyone. Such is your unique glory that you did manage to measure His glory . " . Swami Desikan states that the paadhukhAs did not fall one step behind the growing feet of ThrivikramA and provided the exact fit in real time . The inner meaning is that the AchAryas succeed in taking a true measure of the Bhagavadh svarupam that is not easy for Brahma or RudrA to fathom . Slokam 16 of SAMP/ Slokam 796 of RPS ********************************************* O PaadukhE ! You are like a basin or trench for watering the tree of RanganAthA . The water from GangA residing in RudrA's head flows in that trench , when RudrA bends before you , when He bends His head to offer His homage to you . RudrA thus irrigates the tree of Lord with your help . Slokam 17 of SAMP/ Slokam 797 of RPS ******************************************** Swami Desikan compares the golden paadhukhAs to the lotus fruit , which is surrounded by the sages taking the form of bees to drink the nectar of Moksham . Swami says : " The happy sages have taken the form of bees to drink deep the nectar (pollen ) of Moksham stored in the pericarp of your golden lotus form " . Slokam 18 of SAMP/ Slokam 798 of RPS ********************************************** O PaadhukhE ! When Lord KrishNA as a grahasthA (Married man ) fulfilled the desires of each of His 16,000 wives , He took 16,000 identical forms to be with each of them in their individual homes. At that time , you multiplied two fold over His 16,000 forms to cover each of the two feet of the Lord . Therefore , I consider your form to be larger in number than that of the Lord Himself . Slokam 19 of SAMP / Slokam 799 of RPS ********************************************** O PaadhukhE ! The Lord of Srirangam performs in many dramas . You take part in every one of these dramas orchestrated by Him and take the appropriate form so that His efforts to instruct the world become totally successful . Swami Desikan considers the paadhukhAs as an accomplished lady dancer (Narthaki ) , who accompanies the master cherographer every step of the way in the dances that he designs . For instance , when the Lord took the form of VaamanA , PaadhukhAs became small to fit His tiny form ; when He grew into the gigantic form of ThrivikramA , the paadhukhAs grew with the Lord's feet without missing a beat . PadhukhAs are thus never out of step with its Lord , the master dancer/cherographer . The inner meaning is that the AchAryAs follow precisely the instructions of the Lord to save the people . For instance , NammAzhwAr and other AzhwArs were born in different kulams to compose the Tamizh prabhandhams and to protect the Vedic messages . Slokam 20 of SAMP /Slokam 800 of RPS ********************************************** maanE param samaanE prathyakshENAgamEnApi I HaricharaNasya tavApi thu vaishamyam RakshyarakshakathvAbhYAm II In an earlier verse , Swami Desikan pointed out that the PaadhukhAs take the appropriate forms fittiing the Lord's feet to join His efforts to protect the world . Actually , the PaadhukhAs change their sizes and shapes to protect Him . Although Lord's feet and the paadhukhAs have been proven to be equal in glory earlier , Swami Desikan opines that the paadhukhAs are slightly higher in glory than the Lord's feet , since they serve the Lord to protect Him in all of His campaigns . He says : " O PaadhukhE ! By direct and indirect (Vedic ) proofs , It has been shown that you and your Lord's feet have equal measure of glory . However , You exceed somewhat the glory of your Lord's feet from the point of view of the protecting it . You have indeed reached a higher status because of your role as a protector of the Lord's holy feet . The inner meaning is that the Lord's plans can not be carried out unless He has AchaaryA' s help to execute them . In this sense, the AchAryAs protect the Lord and His missions . Sri RanganAtha Divya maNi paadhukhE ! Thubhayam Nama: Sawmi Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppiliappan Kovil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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