
From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Jun 04 1997 - 08:52:29 PDT

Ref Shree's inquiry May 29.   This beautiful and 
luminous stotram (lyrically akin to periAzhvAr) is
available from the Gita Press, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006.

Hereunder the 'stOtram', with my paraphrase in English:

                gOvinda-dAmOdara stOtram

aGrE kurUNAm atha pANDavAnAm
krshNA tadAkroSad ananya-nAthA
    gOvinda-dAmOdara-mAdhavEti    (1)

    [*krshNA was pulled by her robes and hair 
      and dragged by duhSAsana,
      in front of the kuru and the pANdava;
      with none to protect her, she wailed then,
      gOvinda! dAmOdara! mAdhava!]

      *draupadI, the dark beauty.

SrIkrshNa vishNo madhu-kaiTabhArE
     bhaktAnukampin bhagavan murArE
trAyasva mAm kESava lokanAtha
     gOvinda....                    (2)

     [SrIkrshNa! vishNu! O the foe of madhu and
      kaiTabha! you verily are compassionate unto
      your devotee!   Rescue me, O *bhagavan! 
      Enemy of mura, kESava, lord of the worlds!

      *characterised by 'bhaga', the combination of
      the qualities of jnAnam, Sakti, balam, aiSvaryam,
      vIryam and tejas, as defined in vishNu purANam.

dadhyOdakam mOha-vaSAd avOcha
     gOvinda....                     (3)

     [The gOpa lass had forfeited her heart 
      to the feet of murAri;  and 
      wanting to sell yogurt, 
      she called out absent-mindedly, gOvinda...]

     GrhE yaSodA...
uvAcha satyam vada hE murArE
     gOvinda....                      (4)

     [*yaSOdA said, Tell me the truth, murAri! gOvinda...]

      *the first 2 pAda of the Slokam are garbled;
       I could not guess this either.

jihvE rasAgrE madhurA priyA tvam
     satyam hitam tvam paramam vadAmi
AvarNayetA madhurAksharANi
     gOvinda....                       (5)
     [These verily are very euphonious syllables,
      they constitute Truth, 
      they are the supreme comfort,
      they are dear to us, 
      repeat them to savour on the tip of the tongue,
gOvinda gOvinda harE murAre 
     gOvinda gOvinda mukunda krshNa
gOvinda gOvinda *rathAngapANE
     [* = chakrapANi, one adorning the chakra-discus;
          the divyAyudham, the divine weaponry, is
          borne by him as trinket, divyAbharaNam!]

sukhAvasAnE-tvidamEva sAram
     du:khAvasAnE-tvidamEva gEyam
dEhAvasAne-tvidamEva japyam

     [This the essence and ultimate of happiness;
      this is what one would chant at the height of grief;
      and gOvinda... this is what one would utter when
      departing from hither.]

vaktum samarthO:pi na vakti kaSchit
     ahO janAnAm vyasanAbhimukhyam
jihvE pibasvAmrtamEtadEva

     [He who speaks can tell these Names, but few do it!
      thus, alas, is men's orientation towards suffering.
      But, my lips, drink of this and this very elixir,
      gOvinda, dAmOdara, mAdhava!]

aDiyEn rAmAnujadAsan, T.S. Sundara Rajan.