Re: TSS; SrI rAmAnuja

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Jun 02 1997 - 19:44:18 PDT

Krishna Kalale wrote:

>The general agreement by particularly the visistadvaita vedantins is that
>only the upanisads which can be inferred as being referred to in the
>brahmasutras, the ones mentioned by the prior traditional acharyas :
>dramida, tanka, and from other schools (by earlier acharyas) are the only
>ones that are accepted as authoritative.  The reason being, whatever are
>the important issues in philosphy are stated in the brahmasutras and that
>the supporting upanisads which were quoted by acharyas are sufficient to

shrI Anandagiri in his TIkA to the gauDapAda kArikA bhAshhya of shrI sha.nkara
says that there are many upanishhad-s in the atharva veda, but that these were
not commented on by shrI sha.nkara because they were not used by bAdarAyaNa.
shrI sha.nkara's successors (shrI sha.nkarAnanda, shrI vidyAraNya etc) have
commented on some other important ones like the kaivalya, nR^isimha uttara
tApanIya etc. In any case the muktika upanishhad list is accepted as "genuine"
by the advaita tradition. However, the most important ones are the 10 principal
upanishhad-s and this fact is affirmed by the muktika itself.

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