Re: TSS; SrI rAmAnuja

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Jun 02 1997 - 08:56:33 PDT

usdeiva  wrote:

>sAttvika purANa episodes of the 'amrta-mathanam'). Most tragically, 
>a whole fictitious corpus of '108 upanishad' (which inter alia 
>included an allAh upanishad [!], apparently written in distress) 
>got fabricated and sanctified in print by the Adyar Library, Madras.

The edition of 108 upanishhad-s with the commentary of shrI upanishhad
brahmayogin, which has been published by the Adyar Library does not contain the
Allah upanishhad. Perhaps there is some other "later" upanishhad compilation
which contains this. AFAIK, the upanishhad collection published by Motilal is
supposed to have this, though I haven't had the chance to look at this myself.


PS: The 108 upanishhad-s published by the Adyar library are the 108 in the
muktika upanishhad, with the complete commentary of brahmayogin.