From the Bhakti List Archives
Govind Rengarajan
• Sun Jul 27 1997 - 20:07:28 PDT
On Fri, 25 Jul 1997, Raja Krishnasamy wrote:
> I now have a related question. If we indeed as srI
> VaishNavAs are to pray to Lord srIman nArAyaNA only,
> and according to some people not even worship other
> dieties (so far the discussion in this group has
> limited itself to Lord Shiva as the "anya dEvathA"),
> why is it that after baraNyAsam, some people pay
> their respects to other Sri Vaishnava forms of Sriman
> nArAyaNA, such as srI rAmA, or sudarshana AzhvAr,
> etc. Is not some amount of karma attached to these
> dieties as well ?
I think an answer may be found in Sri Sudarshan's
bhishma-stuthi (10 - 13) dealing with "yat Bhava
pravAha ha" - in particular, the 12th and 13th articles.
If my understanding is incorrect, I hope Sri Sudarshan will
correct me.
govind rengrajan