A follow up question to -> Re: The Ultimate sharaNagathi and personal beliefs ...
From the Bhakti List Archives
Raja Krishnasamy • Fri Jul 25 1997 - 19:01:30 PDT
I am glad I brought up this question in the first place, and more than that I have been blessed, for the past few days, I have been indulging myself in pouring over all the material that has since been circulated among the members of this group. I now have a related question. If we indeed as srI VaishNavAs are to pray to Lord srIman nArAyaNA only, and according to some people not even worship other dieties (so far the discussion in this group has limited itself to Lord Shiva as the "anya dEvathA"), why is it that after baraNyAsam, some people pay their respects to other Sri Vaishnava forms of Sriman nArAyaNA, such as srI rAmA, or sudarshana AzhvAr, etc. Is not some amount of karma attached to these dieties as well ? In fact even the various madams have different presiding dieties. All the 106 divya dEsams have different purANams associated with them, but then so too are the dieties of anya religions. Are we not contradicting all the discussions we went through the past few days. While it is definitely true that these are indeed various forms of Lord nArAyaNA, with several kalyANa guNAs, that we admire in the various dieties, and that we are told that all these forms lead us to perumAL, then why can not this argument be applied to the dieties of other religions ? adiyEn Raja Krishnasamy raja@cyberdude.com
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