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From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Jul 25 1997 - 10:39:43 PDT

Dear Friends,

I read with great pleasure Sri Sampath Rengarajan's lucid description of 
Tirumanjanam for Lord Oppiliappan, with several important details and the 
related Pasurams from Tirumangai Azhwar's Anubhavam. Thank you very much
Sri Rengarajan for sharing the blessings of Vamana Avataram. 

The aspect of Tirumanjanam and Vamana Avataram reminds me of the Divya 
Dravyas (sacred offering) used in performing Tirumanjanam for the Lord. 
Traditionally, Panchamruta Snanam for the Lord includes offering of Milk, 
yoghurt, ghee, honey and sugar. Each of these Dravyas has Lord Narayana 
associated with it. 

Ksheera Priyo Devata is Govinda. Govinda is the protector of the cows. The 
name Govinda is also associated with the PraNava Akshara AUM. As a result, this 
Shabdham dispels all inauspiciousness. Thus offering of Ksheeram results in 
the destruction of sins (Papa Nashanam). Ksheeram is glorified in the Vedic 
hymn :"Aapyaya Svasamethushe Vishvastasto Mahakshriyum Bhavabajasya SangatE" 

Dadhi Priyo Devata is Vamana. Offering of Dadhi results in Pushti Vardhanam 
(increase in strength). Dadhi Vamana is glorified in the Vedic salutation: 
"DadhikraviNNo Akarushan Jishnorashvasya Vajinaha Surabinomukhakarath PraNa
AyogmShitarushat..". Dadhi imparts a pleasing odour to the mouth and 
bestows strength to the tongue to utter nothing but the truth. Connections 
between Dadhi Vamana and Bhagavan Hayagriva are apparent from Swami Deikan's 
Hayagriva Stotram salutation "Jihvagra Simhasana", implying that the tongue 
thus fortified (purified) by Dadhi is fitting throne for Bhagavan Hayagriva. 
Vamana Padhuka is also important in this context for it beautifully bears 
out the aspect of the Padhukas stated in Swami Desikan's Padhuka Sahasram, 
i.e., curing the arrogant ones of their pride while elevating the humble 
supplicant. Mahabali ridiculed Vamana for the latters request of three paces of 
land. With just two giant steps as Trivikrama, the Lord took away all of 
Bali's possessions. However, when Mahabali humbly offered his head for the 
Lord to place this third step, he was granted Moksham. The 
Lord's Sudarshana Chakram was used in the form of the darbha grass used by 
Vamana to clear the outlet of the jar, which had been blocked by 
Shukracharya in the form of an insect, containing water for the Sankalpam. 

The Dravya of ghee (clarified butter) (Ghruta) results in Ayurvardhanam
(logevity of life). Ghruta-Priyo Devata is Vishnu. Traditionally, during 
offering of ghee, Lord Vishnu is eulogized through the Vishnu Sooktam chant 
"VishNornukam ViryaNi Pravocham...".  

The Dravya of honey (Madhu) results rids one of guile and vicious 
thoughts (Kalmasham). Madhu Priyo Devata is Madhusudhana saluted in the 
Narayana Upanishad as "BrahmaNyo Devaki PutrO Brahmanyo MadhusudhanOm". The 
use of MadhusudhanOm comes from the Sama Vedam. Madhu is also saluted in the 
Vedic hymn "Madhuvatarutayate Madhaksharanti Sindhavaha:...". 

Shakkara Priyo Devata is Achyuta. The significance of Shakkara is that 
it is like soap used in cleansing. The inner meaning is that it Shakkara paves 
the way for the mind to recognize the Antaryami Bhavam of the Lord similar to 
the Sandyavandana mantram which helps in recognizing that the Aditya seen 
outside is the same as the Lord that dwells within.

Srivasa Ranga Parakala Muni Trayabdha: LakshmAtma RakshaNa Yaeetva YugAgamAntam
Acharya Bhakti Paripootamanarghasheelam Gopala Desika Munim Gurum Ashrayamaha 

Namo Narayana,

Muralidhar Rangaswamy