The Ultimate sharaNagathi and personal beliefs ...
From the Bhakti List Archives
Raja Krishnasamy • Mon Jul 21 1997 - 11:19:56 PDT
This is a topic that has been bothering me for a while now. I hope the learned people on this group can resolve my doubts. I have often had discussions with people who have been "formally" inducted as a Sri Vaishnava who has surrendered to the Lord through baraNyAsam. Some of them I talk to, militantly oppose the concept of other Gods - like Lord vignEsvarA or Lord ShivA, to the extent that they even consider it even beyond their limits to pray to these Gods. I have always been of the belief that the visual forms that we see in Temples and Photographs are mere earthly formulations and mental conceptions of humans. I have believed in sharaNagathi as something more heavenly, something that is difficult to visualize, but it is something where one can see the srIman nArAyaNa thaththuvam (The Philosophy of sIman nArAyaNa) in all creation. It may be a mahAvigraham of shrI vignEsvara, one still visualizes the srIchakra yanthram placed next to him, and not just as considering him an idol of an other religion, for religion is a mere boundary of fiction. The concept of one Supreme being only helps us focus our efforts in attaining the level of spiritual perfection that prepares one for mOksham. It is my belief that when one attains this level of tolerance and maturity of thought, when one can see the beauty of the Lord in everything that is or can be thought of, there can be no higher level of acceptance by the Lord, and you attain mOksham. And I believe that this could be the Lord in any form, for after all "nArAyanAyEthagum sarvam" as told in the nArAyaNOpanishad. He may come to you as perumAl or paramEsvaran, but it is the human mind that makes the difference. The spiritually pure mind does not. Is my thought right ? Or is there something that I am missing. Would someone clear this question for me please. Is nArAyaNa a concept or is he a form ? Does he not say in the Gita that he exists formlessly in all forms ? Why do we mortals fight about these boundaries when our goal is beyond that ? Is not the srIchakram we believe in as "srI vaishnavAs" concieved out of the third eye of Lord Shiva. Is'nt srIvaishnavism defined as surrender to Lord nArAyaNa who is: "jagathprabhum dEvadEvam anantham purushOththamam" as told to us by Shri BhIshmA ? So why do we attach a mortal value to this purushOththaman who is formless. Is not that a sin ? adiyEn Raja Krishnasamy
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