April-June Archives of Bhakthi List
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sun Jul 20 1997 - 05:21:52 PDT
Dear Sri Mani : I wish to take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for your extraordinary time , effort and sraddhA to complete the above task amidst all the understandable pressures of your work . It is a substantive assembly of meaningful contributions of the many respected members of this special group .The thread of discussions on important topics of deep interest to all of us on the Sri Sookthis , doctrines of Sri VaishNavism are enduringly preserved in these archives .I am convinced that these archives are a rich source of reference for now and for times to come . Based on the anugraha vachanams of the full range of AchAryAs that Sri Anbil Ramaswamy SwamigaL has been priveleged to meet with recently , It is clear that they consider that efforts like ours are helping them in their own work to reach out to the future generations on the greatness of our sampradhAyam in all its multi-faceted brilliance and glory . The Sri Sookthis have their own " intoxicating " effect on any one , who comes close to them . If one gets carried away by their Ruchi , it is understandable. There is no way to drink them in a big gulp . You are absolutely right about appealing for moderation in output from some of us, who have been very active . If our postings can not be read , absorbed and reflected upon , then , the goal and purpose of these efforts would have been counter productive. Here again , the archives come to help . As for myself , I reflected further and decided that I will write twice a week and adhere to that time table instead of burning my candle at both ends . I will plan to write on Mondays and Thursdays on individual topics of potentail interest to all of us , . With Continuing best wishes for an enjoyable summer , V.Sadagopan P.S : I have a special request to Sri Anbil SwamigaL . It will be wonderful , if he could post his recollections as an eye witness on the SansyAsrama sveekaraNam of the 45th Jeeyar of AhObila Mutt as an EYE WITNESS to this rare event . Thanks in advance to him . There are 19 sanyAsa Upanishads . Each one describes the procedures and rules of the turiyAsramam differently. It will be wonderful to see how the Ahobila mutt tradition goes about inducting an AchArya . Others familiar with other Yathi paramparAs can add their own inputs for all of us to get a complete picture .
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