srInivAsa perumAl's Urdhva pundravantham ...Another version of the purANam .

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Jul 16 1997 - 06:38:59 PDT

>--------------- MESSAGE bhakti.v002.n241.4 ---------------
>From: "Raja Krishnasamy" 
>Here is another version of the reason as to why the
>thirunAmam on the 
>Lord of thiruvEnkadam is what it is.  I will try to
>do my best. 
>Long ago, the archakAs of the temple at thirumalai
>had a great influence.....

I have not heard of this story. However, even today, one of
the first persons to have a darshanam every day is a "vEdan"
(I understand that Harijan is considered
a derogratory term in India today. The politically correct term
is "Dalit", a marathi word which means oppressed people).
This vedan's ancester is supposed to have discovered the
moolavar on the hill. I could not find out the exact year.
It certainly is earlier than the time of silappadikaram,
first few centuries BC, where there is the earliest
description of thiru vEngadam on thiru malai.

Could an expert confirm /elaborate on this?

Srinivasan K