Sriman T.S.Sundararajan's posting on Noble personages

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sun Jul 13 1997 - 19:07:43 PDT

Dear Members of the Bhakthi group :
I wish to thank Sriman Sundararajan profusely for 
his recent posting . It  is indeed a treasure house 
of information on Sri NrusimhAvatharam ,
the Vaibhavam of Sudarsana BhagavAn and 
a great AchAryA from Kanchipuram , Sri PBA Swamy.

Although I did not have the good fortune to meet him ,
I have benefitted very much from studing  some of his insightful 
and most scholarly  commentaries  . I understand that many of 
his commentaries are out of print now . What a pity ! 
The kaimkaryams done by such great souls have helped 
the Sri VaishNavA community to get atleast a glimpse of 
the treasures of our poorvAchAyAs . Those , who were lucky
to participate in the KalakshEpa Ghoshtis are indeed 
the fortunate ones . 

Thanks again Sriman Sundararajan for your most informative 
posting .
