Swami Desikan's SubhAshitha Neevi
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Jul 02 1997 - 05:51:19 PDT
Dear Sri Sudarshan : This didactic lyric consisting of " wise and pithy " sayings like the Neethi Sataka of Bhartruhari and Hitha Bhaashini is a compassionate work of Swami Desikan aimed to help us . The great Swami Desika SevAkar , Sri Seva Srinivasa RaghavaacchAr Swamy of Chennai has released few months ago a translation in Tamil with original slokams . I have a copy some where in my collection of Texts on Sri VaishNavism . Seva Swami sent that to me. His services to the Kaimkaryam of Swami Desikan are legendary . His scholarship is great as well . I recommend a visit to the temple he has constructed for BhagavAn HayagreevA and Aananda Lakshmi at Villivakkam , a 45 minutes ride from central Chennai He can be reached at 2 Lakshmipuram, Villivakkam , Chennai 49 ,. His telephone number is 626-8481. I asked our members at one time , whether they would eb intereted to have postings on this work . I did not get too much of a response . Hence I went on with other things. At times of trouble , it is wonderful to read the compassionate upadesam of our great AchArya in his role as Margadarsi . Best Wishes , V.Sadagopan
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