thirup pAvai - part 46 - Sri KrishnA, an extraordinary one ?
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sampath Rengarajan • Sun Jan 31 1999 - 05:09:39 PST
Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam thirup pAvai - part 46 - "Why" must Aaycchiars identify Sri KrishnA as an extraordinary person ? It was stated earlier that the nArayaNa saptham is a special one and that one has to take every care in handling or chanting it. nAra sapthEna jeevAnAm samooha: prOchayathE buthai | kathirAlambanam thasya dEna nArAyana: samrutha:|| ie Our elders state that the nAra saptham represents the society (samooham) of the nArALs or jeevAs. The one who stands as the "prApyam" (palan) and Siddha upAyam (means) as well for this jeeva samooham is also called as nArAyaNan. It is also said in nArAyaNa saptha vyAkyAnam, nArAyNa anuvAham that "nArAyaNam pArAyaNam" or nArAyaNan is the one who stands as the superior siddhA upAyam. Sri sulaba upanishad also narrates this thiru nAmam as "saraNam nArAyaNA" or saraNam to nArAyaNa. Sri ANDAL already knows that Sri KrishnA is Sriman nArAyaNA and the para deivam. But then it is puzzling to many as to how she identifies SriKrishna when she in Aaychiar bhAvam ? ie., Did those Aaychiars already know during Sri Krishna avathAram that Sri KrishnA is Sriman nArAyanA HIMself. Yes ! It is derived from this extraordinary verse in the first pAsuram of thirup pAvai that certain Aaychiars very well knew of HIS avathAra rahasyam during the avatharam itself. It is conceived that Sri ANDAL is conveying that certain Aaychiars already knew that Sri Krishna is Sriman nArayanA HIMself. Even during the previous avathArams, the avathAra rahasyams were revealed to some during certain stages. It seems certain rishis also proclaimed then that "Esha nArAyaNa: ...hyAga mathurAm purim"., ie Sriman nArAyaNan HIMself has come to mathura puri. Unlike the previous avathArAs, Sri KrishnA accomplished a lot of HIS avathAra kAryams when HE was a child itself. The "asareeri" or the divine voices from heaven pronounced about HIS coming to do kamsa samhAram. Sri AdisEsha appeard in HIS real swaroopam and protected HIM as HE was carried from the prison (of HIS parents) to Sri Nandagopar's thiru mALigai. HE did suck up the life of Sri Boothanai and kicked off the life of sadakAsuran, and relieved the sons of Sri kubEra from their spell bound. HE showed the entire universe in HIS mouth to Sri yasOdhai. HE is the one who killed many demons or asurAs such as vyOmAsura, dhinAkAsura, pralambasura, kEshi, and few others sent by Kamsa. Slaying so many asurAs in one's childhood is not an ordinary achievement. Only an extraordinary person can do so. Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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