Chithra paddhathi : 936th slOkam -Part 3
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Thu Jan 28 1999 - 20:05:23 PST
Dear BhakthAs : We will include the word by word translation and the deeper meanings of this slOkam here . As indicated in the first posting in this series , the divisions of the padhams and their meanings are as follows according to the PeriyAsrama upadEsam : yaayaayaa (1), aaya(2), aayaaya (3), ayaaya (4), ayaaya(5), ayaaya (6), ayaaya(7), ayaayaa (8), yaayaaya (9), aayaayaaya(10), ayaayaa(11), yaa(12), yaa(13), yaa(14), yaa(15), yaa(16), yaa(17), yaa(18), yaa(19) Meaning of the above 19 padhams : ******************************** yaa(12th)= yaathoru Paadhuhai aanathu , That One paadhukhA aayaaya(3)=which strives for the benefit of both its Master , the Lord and those associated with Him yaa(13)=That one PaadhukhA ayaaya(4)= which confers subham and adhrushtam to those , who take refuge in it yaa(14)=That one PaadhukhA ayaaya(5)=which blesses one , who surrenders to it with Jn~Anam yaa(15) = That one paadhukhA or the PaadhukhA of that description/glory /mahimai ayaaya(6)=That which becomes desirable as the paradEvathA for the purposes of worship by the aasrithAs yaa(16)=That One Glorious PaadhukhA ayaaya(7)= that which destroys all the internal and the external enemies of those , who seek its protection ayaayaa= a-yaayaa(8)= That which is affiliated with the charaNams (sacred feet ) of the Lord yaa(17) That extraordinary PaadhukhA of great glory yaayaaya(9) = that which becomes useful during the sanchArams( movements)of the Lord outside His aasthAnam yaa(18) That sacred PaadhukhA aayaayaaya(10)= That which is responsible to bring the Lord to the side of aasrithAs for their protection yaa(19)= That supremely auspicious paadhukhA aayaayaa(11)=That which earns for the aasrithAs , the stage(fruit) of mOksham yaayaa(1)= That which makes the aasrithAs reach sadhgathi thru realization of Parama- purushArtham (saa) aaya(2)= That paadhukhA conferring all these SoubhAgyams to the AasrithAs remains forever the sesha bhUtham for its master, Sri RanganAthan . Extended Meaning: ***************** Because of the vaathsalyam (deep affection ) that the PaadhukhA has for the asrithars (sEshAs=samsAris ) and the Sarva sEshi (BhagavAn) , it serves as a cause of great wealth for both the Sarva seshan and the sEshis . It provides the gain for the samsAris by blessing them with the attainment of the Lord( Bhagaavth PrApthi) and makes its Lord rich by reuniting the lost samsAris to His fold ( JeevarAsi Prapthi for the Lord ). The samsAris are exposed to subhams and asubhams through their karmAs .The PaadhukhA through its dayA removes the inauspiciousness and blesses the aasrithAs for svalpa vyAjams ( meager efforts of approaching it ) and blesses them profoundly . It gives them the Tattva JN~Anam that is the root cause of sarva KshEmams. The PaadhukhA reminds the svatha: sarvaj~nan ( One by very nature is all comprehending ) out of its great compassion about the need to come to the rescue of the aasrithan .It also helps the aasrithan not to have the affiliation with the devathAntharams in the spirit of "dhEvu maRRaRiyEN ). The PaadhukhA chases away the external enemies as well as the internal ones ( Kaamam , KrOdham et al) and is forever vigilant in this regard.It is ready to produce joy for the samsAris by bringing the Lord on its back to the raaja veedhis of Srirangam during the various uthsavams . It stands by to rush the Lord to the side of one, who cries out in times of danger or at times when the prapannan can not bear the pangs of aarthi. It waits to bless the aasrithAs with the MOkshAnugraham through its closeness to the Lord and stays for this reason forever as the Sesha bhUtham of Bhagavaan. It pleases the Lord through its sushrUshais and keeps the good realtionship with the Lord to save us through His intercession . This is the nithya yOgam ( inseparable union ) of the PaadhukhA . For our sake ,it enhances its friendship with the Lord through nithya kaimkaryam and gains His grace. SadhAchAryAs like the PaadhukhA cause paraspara praapthi and paraspara laabham between the Seshis and the seshan .The seshis are like puthran to them and the Lord is like father to them . These sadAchAryAs unite their puthrans with their PithA . They thus create great auspiciousness through tattva Jn~Ana upadEsam . They create the clear knowledge and AchArya Bhakthi . They perform uthsavams for the Lord for loka kshEmA purposes. When the prapannAs long for the Lord's sevai , they pray to the Lord and make it possible for the prapannA to have that soubhAgyam .They help through their intercession with the Lord to make the samsAris gain mokshAnugraham . They accept the prapatthi and plead to the Lord for the conferral of Moksham .For retaining this power , they do tapas and ArAdhanam to the Lord to retain His closeness and grace . They (SadAchAryAs ) perform profound kaimkaryams to the divya dampathis and attain the status of nithya Yogam like the Lord's paadhukhA . Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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