Chithra Paddhathi SlOkam 936: Part 2
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Thu Jan 28 1999 - 20:01:15 PST
Dear BhakthAs : In the previous posting , reference was made to this slOkam serving as examples of Ekasvara Chitram (made up of One Svaram : tonal aspect)and Eka varNa chithram( made up of one Aksharam :Ya). It was also pointed out that it is known as dhvisthAnakam , since only two specific loci of the vocal apparatus is being used to recite this slOkam . Thus this slOkam becomes a sthAna chithram as well. The unmatched genius of Swami Desikan as a poet is further attested to , when we recognize additional Yamakams that make this slOkam earn the name of a MahA yamakam . The various bhandhams and chithrams that this MahA Yamakam contain are : 1. gOmUthrikA : steady flow like a shower of Cow's Urine This is one of the lakshaNams of copious and fast flowing auspicious verse . 2. SarvathO Bhadhram : Auspicious on all aspects 3. KankaNa Bhandham : Bracelet like construction 4. Muraja Bhandham : Drum-shaped Construction 5. Padhma Bhandham : Lotus like Bhandham 6. SlOkAnulOma PrathilOma gathi Chithram : Regularly ascending and descending paced constrcution 7. Ardha Yamakam : One of a pair 8. Paadha Chathuraavrutthi Ymaakam :Recurrence to the same point at counts of four 9. PaadhArdha ashtAvrutthi Yamakam : recurrence to the same point at counts of Eight 10. Paadha ShODasaavrutthi Yamakam : Recurrence to the same point at counts of sixteen 11. EkAksharaThrimsadhAvrutthi Yamakam :Thirty count based recurrence . For ordinary mortals , even the construction of this slOkam alone would take a life time given the geometric structure , sound alliterations and artha gouravam ( profound meanings ) based on just one aksharam . It is not easy for us to comprehend the divine power that led to these most magnificient slokams of PaadhukhA Sahasram by the Great AchAryA blessed by Sri HayagrIvan . In the concluding posting on the 936th SlOkam , I will cover the deeper meanings of the words constituted by the permutations and combinations of the aksharam , Ya, forming the unit of this slOkam . Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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