Periya Thirumozhi 1.1- NaaraayaNaa! NaaraayaNaa! NaaraayaNaa!
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Wed Jan 27 1999 - 03:56:05 PST
Sri: Dearest Sisters and Brothers, ThirumangaiAzhwAr’s excellent periya Thirumozhi thus begins now. I Pray to Divya Dampatis and AzhwAr for Their blessings and "thirutthi paNikoOLLal" corrective actions on my "little" (or un?) worthy posts. Let us start with the Grand gala opening of VaadinEn vaadi – the recitation of which is sure to bring tears in recitor’s eyes and choking in his voice. Such an emotion filled ten from ThirumangaiAzhwAr. 1. I am repenting with tears; I am weltering; Being born into this life of terrible sorrows; I have gone behind the young women running after sensual pleasures from them; (But) due to the grace of our Lord Sriman Narayanan, I have (been blessed to have ) realised the Goal that can save me and yield me the Greatest blissful and eternal happiness; (Without my knowledge even, He had made me) searching for this stage, and NOW I have found the eternal happiness- in the Divine name "Narayanaa". (Not even in Him; in His name- I have found the eternal happiness- because AzhwAr saw Him and PiraaTTi first; But only after hearing His name from the Lord, did AzhwAr find the happiness! Hence, the name is grander than the Lord- Utter NamO Narayana! NamO Narayana!) 2. I, the mahA paavi (sinner), who had run amuck after only carnal desires calling and blabbering "Oh my dear! My life! My nectar!", spent and wasted all days and my precious life with thoughts of breasts of women; Such a paavi- I, have now been blessed to utter with my tongue the Divine name of Narayana and get saved by paying my obeisance to the most fertile and beautiful Thirukkudanthai (where swan mates with its spouse in lovely ponds- AzhwAr implies PiraaTTi’s inseparable state (nithyaanapaayinI) with the Lord of Thirukkudanthai) . (Naicchiyam of this AzhwAr is simply excellent and great! If this greatest AzhwAr had so much of naicchiyam- humility and kaarpaNyam- I just can’t imagine how on earth we should be weeping and crying for what we are; were and will be!- kruthaan, kriyamaaNaan, karishyamaaNaa cha sarvam kshamsva!) 3. In spite of desiring for doing good deeds only, I still performed only bad and wrong deeds (sins); sought women for sensual pleasures; such days have gone utter waste – and I am thinking of such useless days similar to the dumb person’s thinking about his past (without being able to narrate to others- Here AzhwAr is not able to narrate to others for such brazen shameful acts of his in the past- he keeps silent being unable to narrate to others). But now, I have realised the Divine name of Narayana – the name of the Lord – my Emperumaan who never leaves the heart of His devotees- who is the father of Cupid and who is the master of all of us. 4. Desiring only for victories, melting and longing only for the transitory, non-permanent temporary objects, craving only for mating the darting eyed women, and having a fickle mind that never stays concentrated on any one thing- I was lost in this life and did not as to what to do and how to get saved to reach the Lord; and due to the Varaaha Perumaan’s grace, the One who is so stunningly beautiful and graceful- who has the huge Beautiful ThirumEni (Divine body) sky high- due to His compassion and dayA on me, I am blessed to have found the esoteric Great Narayana naamam (the Ashtaaksharam) to get saved. 5. I was loitering everywhere at the beck and call of my mind; and I had robbed the soul (my AthmA) from Him which from time immemorial has been only His property and was thinking that it is mine; In spite of all these misdeeds performed, today I have realised the truth and become crystal clear in my outlook. I am blessed to obtain His grace for getting such an outlook. Thus, I am qualified to go on the path to Paramapadham. Thinking of His grace, my past deeds, my being blessed by Him who came to me to save me, my heart melts; my eyes well with tears for His dayA on this lowly self; my voice chokes; my tongue stammers; The tears of joy roll down my cheeks and wet my entire body; Day in and day out- at all time, I am yelling and shouting "Narayanaa! Narayanaa! Narayanaa!". (enna great AzhwAr! If one does not get tears in his eyes while he reads the meaning of this pAsuram, then my translation is so nonsense and bad that has negated the beauty of the pAsuram!) 6. Oh Bhagwathas of Sriman Narayanan, who always immerse yourselves on Him alone and spend all times doing that alone as your pastime! My Lord- My Emperumaan- My "aNNal" (Big Brother? Father?) , my Father, my everything, the One who helps me at all times, in all ways, who is all relations to me, who removes all my enemies, (klEsa naasan), who rules me, who is fearsome for asurAs, who is my uyir (life), - Such Emperumaan is here showing Himself so gracefully at Tanjore temple and by paying obesiance to Him at this temple, I am blessed to have found out the Greatest, most esoteric Narayana naamam (ashtaakshara manthram) 7. You do not know their life styles (their refers to those human beings whom you all praise and sing for few dollars more!); you don’t know their habits; you don’t know their births; you don’t know that they were poor one day (even though you see them rich now); You don’t even know their guNam (nature- attributes); you don’t know their karma; To such unworthy people, who are doing useless, insignificant work, you all praise "Oh Greatest! Oh KaRpaka tharu (Tree that gives all that one desires for) etc.. etc.. which do not at all match with their actual qualities. Listen to me one thing; Come here, Oh Poets! Come to Thirukkudanthai! Pay obeisance to this place! See this Greatest One ArAvamudhan! (Insatiable nectar!) And utter "Narayanaa!" (whose meaning, and the person are made for each other in terms of Glory!) Like me, sing Narayana and get saved! 8. I have not learnt the scriptures/ sasthras; I have sent my heart and mind wherever senses longed and craved for; the foolish I (due to these lowly sinful nature and illiteracy- ajj~nAnam), was not blessed to obtain any good; My pastime was only doing harm and bad to all beings of the world; (by killing them and injuring them in battles); Till yesterday, I was like this; Due to the Greatest mercy and grace of Bhagwaan Sriman Narayanan, my state has been transformed; I have stopped doing sinful deeds; I could contemplate on doing good and way to get saved and am able to be blessed to obtain the ashtaaksharam (Narayana naamam) as the hold and support (to prevent the great grand downfall of my self further and get saved eternally!). 9. It will fetch the Greatest Highest Kulam (of Srivaishnava kulam); It will yield great fortune (aishwaryam); It will alleviate and destroy all that can be called as sorrows of devotees; It will also grant the Biggest Grandest and Greatest Home (Paramapadham); It will fetch the Divine grace of the Lord; It will grant the strength to enjoy Him; It will do all good (to you) much much more than what your mother can do; (Which one is so great?) That is Thirumanthram- Ashtaaksharam _ Naaraayana naamam and I have been blessed to obtain that. 10. Oh Bhagawthas, who recite this ten of Thirumangai mannan! Please utter "Narayana" when you are down with sorrows or even when you have none of them ; when you are about to go to bed; Utter this at all times; and under all circumstances; It can stay as a Poison to all our sins and destroy them completely to protect us at all times; Utter Naaraayanaa Naaraayanaa! And be saved! Narayana! Narayana! Narayana! ThirumangaiAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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