ThirukkalyANa Utsavam
From the Bhakti List Archives
L. Vijayaraman • Sat Jan 16 1999 - 03:12:15 PST
Srimathe Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabhrahmane Namaha Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha Srimathe Nigamantha MahaDesikaya Namaha Srimathe SrivaN Sadagopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatindra MahaDesikaya Namaha Srimathe SrivaN Sadagopa Sri Narayana Yatindra MahaDesikaya Namaha ************************ Sriman Narayana, Dear Bhagavadottamas, Sriman U.Ve. Sadagopan swamy had asked adiyen to share this writings with the members of this forum. Today this Tirukkalyana utsavam of the divine couple is being celebrated in Sri Venkateswara Temple, Bridgewater. Incidently, today is also being adiyen's birth day (as per english calendar though) and adiyen thought it would be a great pleasure if adiyen could not only share the shloka which is referred by him (appearing at the end of this message) but view divya dampati in mind in their thirukkalyAna kOlam as it used to be in Bombay Dombivli Balaji Mandir. ------ Lord Venkateswara with jaganmatA Padmavathi would be in the mahA mandapam but behind the screen and eagely awaiting when the archakar would release the screen to give the darshanam to the bhaktas. The other side of the screen, hundreds of devotees would also be eager and wait for the first glimpse of the rays that eminates from the akilAnda kOdi brahmAnda nayakan, Sriman Narayanan, parama dayAlu Srinivisan with his consort mayA jagan moginIm, sriyam dEvIm, asman mAtaram, Padmavati. The archakar releases the screen with the karpUra hArati and the AzhvAr AchArya gOshti reciting "Tad vishnO: paramam padagum sadA pasyanti sUraya:" and this moment itself we would have had the janma sApalyam. Then the archakar gets the anugraham for the Azhvar AchArya SriVaishnava gOshti to perform the tirukkalyAnam. "Asya dEvadEvasya bhagavatO vAsudEvasya AkilAnda kOti brahmAnda nAyakasya Sri Srinivasa swamina: asyA: sriya: padmavatI mahalakshmya: rAja rAstrAbivridyartam vaivahika mahOtsava karma kartum yOgyata siddim anugrahana" adiyen turn around to look ... is any one saying "tadAastu"? No, nobody. why? May be they thought they are not elders. Looked right side to emperumAn and yes, he says and mAta saying "astu" for their own tirukkalyAnam... to bless us in that kOlam. Then he requests the lord and divine mother again. Then the archakar comes to perform vAsudEva punyaha vAchanam to purify (the mantras are different from our punyaha vachanam. it would be for the benefit entire society like .... bhavatbhi: anug~natha: vAsudeva: punyaham vAchayisye....... EtEsham, brahmanAnam, srIVaishnavAnam, gavAm gananAmscha, rAshtramcha, kulamcha, dharmamcha, aharahara abhi vardhatAm. Etat drithyartE) .... and it goes on. we wait patiently swallowing those mantras. Then he purifies everything from the pious water and starts the pratisara sUtra (the thread that we tie in our wrist as rakshA, our lord does not need that but for our sake) AvAhanam with Sri Suktam and aparAjita mantram (one should never miss the excelent mantra... which is little bigger than the usual mantras... starting with asya sri aparajita mahamantrasya pradyumna rishi: aditI chanda: viswarUpi nArayanO dEvata..... bhagavat pratisarabhi mantranArtE japE viniyoga:... vAsudEva sankarshana pradyumna aniruddha ..... and all the dasavataram then ..... ending with .... sanka chakra gadadhara, sarva bhUta namaskruta, sarva nAha pramardana, sarva asura utsAdana ........ sarva dhukka prasamana, sarva jvara vinAsana, sarva dusswapna nAsana, sarva abhIsta pradayaka sri janArdana namOstu tE). Then finishes the pAlikA upAdhanam with Oshadi sUktam (yA jAta Oshadi) Then the usual stuff of Unjal (adiyen here someone from gOshti with melodious voice singing "pAlalE kAl almbi pattadai uduttu), shodasa upachAram and he ties the pratisara sUtram on the lord's and mother's wrists with the Rig vEda vAkyam. Then we see the archaka entering the yAga sala getting permissions from dwara palas chanDan & prachanDa and reciting garuda mantram. The agni is taken from the pakasala (madapalli. As per the kArigai, it could also be taken from a house where the agni hOtram is performed daily). He says "agne: jata dOsha shantyartE tilAn AgAra sammisran shOdasa AhutIn hOshyami" to rectify any mistake that would have arised when agni was brought. Then he starts to build the adhara sakti pIdam etc. for the lord's avAhanam ain the agni. Then argya padya upacharan with ghee is performed to the lord in the agni. Now, the pravaram and pAnigrahanam. Archakar recites kshirOda madanE yaasE pala rUpE madhudwisha: nama: chandra sahOdaryai namastE amruta yOnayE sarva lakshana sampannam sarva Abhrana bhUshitam mahA lakshmIm imAm kanyAm tubhyam dAsyami vishnavE gruhAna jagatAm yoga kshEmaya purushOttama and makes the connection from Lord's hand to his consort's through darbham. Then the yagam of purusha/sree suktam with every 4 sentence the ghee is placed in the agni. Then the archakar performs all the karmas starting from "agne: jAtakarma, nAmakarana, anna prAsana, chaula, upanayana, prAjapatya, sowmyaka, vaishnava, sukriya, gOdana, upanishkramana, samAvartana vivahan". Then the mAngalya dhAranam and he recites samudra tanayE mAtha: lakshmim tvAm prartayamyam mAngalya sUtram dEvEna yushmat kanTe samarpitE niyOjitogam bhadnAmi gruhAna paramEshvarI and there the most awaited sEvai of thAyar with mAngalyam. We are delighted in the karpUra arati. Then the AsirvAdam "AsastEyam yajamanOsau, AyuraAsastE ... Srinivasan Padmavati kalyAna mahOtsavattile Akasa rajanudaya samarppanai padinAyiram katti varAhan patram pushpam" He comes back to the yaga sala and performs the additional hOmam on different parts of agni (kAlyam, manOjavayAm, sulOhitAyam, sushUmnAyam, sudUmrayam) with the dwadasha akshara mantram followed by sankarshana, aniruddha, pradyumna mantras. Here he uses also different dravyam starting from Samit, Ghee, Till, Lajam, Milk in that order. Archakar performs the panchOpanishat mantra hOmam to make the hOmam full and to rectify any mistakes during that. Then two archakas in the form of Lord & mother sit for vAranamAyiram recited by Azhwar Acharya gOshti: vArana mAyiram sUzha valam cheithu nArana nambhI nadakkindrAn en ethir pUrana porkuDam vaitthu puram engum tOranam nAttak kanA kanDen tOzhI nAn tOzhI nAn kanda kanAvellam narkElai en tOzhI sollai nI kanDa kanAvellam Immaikum ......... and our heart is overwhelmed with the joy of the words. Now the nAcchiyAr sambhAvanai after the pAsuram "Kumkumam appi kulir sAntam". "GrunahI grutavathi ...jagatO vishnupatnI. sUdi kodutha nAcchiyAr sambhavana" Then they the continue the last pAsuram "Ayanukkaga". Oops. Now what happened.... the lord is again behind the screen. adiyen guess it must be because He is preparing the prasAdam for us. And yes, here He is back with His bright "kathir mati" face. The archakar recites the swasti vAkyam ..... "Asya dEvadEvasya bhagavatO vAsudEvasya AkilAnda kOti brahmAnda nAyakasya Sri Srinivasa swamina: asyA: sriya: padmavatI mahalakshmya: vaivahika mahOtsava karmanIm madyE sampavita mantra lOpa, tantra lOpa, swara lOpa, dravya lOpa, shraddha lOpa, vismruta vidyaparadEshu sarvam sri srInivasa swamy krupaya yata sastram anushtitam bhUyastviti bhavanta: mahAnta: anugruhnantu" "Asya dEvalayasya garbha gruha, ardha mandapa, maha mandapa, chatustamba mandapa, shOdasa stamba mandapa, dwAtrimsatsata mandapa, sadastamba manda, sahastrastamba mandapa, yAga sala, pAga sAla, vastra sAla, kUpa sAla, bOga sAla anEga mandapa, prasadaya gOpuradaya: bhUyastviti bhavanta: mahAnta: anugruhnantu" "Asya dEvalayasya nityOtsava, pakshOtsava, mAsOtsava, samvatsarOtsva, adhyayanOtsava, pallavOtsava, pavitrOtsava, sri utsava, sikyOtsava, brahmOtsava, bhakta bhimbOtsava anEga utsava: bhUyastviti bhavanta: mahAnta: anugruhnantu" "Ayam dEsa: mEgamAla suvrukshEna suvrusti: kAveryAdi mahA nadyA gala galAyamana pravAha samyukta anEga tadakadhishu sampUrna udakAnicha bhUyastviti bhavanta: mahAnta: anugruhnantu" followed by "jitantE pundarIkaksha namastE bhaktavatsala, namastE asthu hrishIkesa mahA purusha pUrvaja, vig~napanam idam dEvam srunutvam purushottama ..........." and we are speechless. Not just because of the melodious sweet voice of the archakar but also our mouth is filled with the lord's prasadam "kshIrannam". Krishnaarpanam. dAsan Vijayaraman **************************************************************************** ******************* Sriman U.Ve. Sadagopan swamy's anugraham --------------------------------------------------------------------- You may wish to share them with the Bhakthi list members . There are many Sri VenkatEsa and Sri HayagrIva BhakthAs there . Best wishes , V.Sadagopan **************************************************************************** ******************* Sriman Narayana, Dear Sriman Sadagopan Swamin, This is the year perhaps, adiyen did not have the bhAgyam of Thirukkalyana utsavam. Back in India, (Bombay-Dombivli) on this day, we all were delighted to have the divine couple (Srinivasan & Andal on Bhogi, Srinivasan & Padmavati on Panguni Uttiram) on their Thirukkalyana kolam. Thanks for your beautiful email, which brought them before my mind. Perhaps no one was thinking anything else when the archakar recites the pravaram (though not so lengthy as yours but in a simple form) Vasishta gOthrOthbhavaya ,YayAthi varmaNE naphthrE , SoorasEna VarmaNa: PouthrAya , VasudEva VarmaNa: PuthrAya Sri SrinivAsa VarmNE varAya Athri gOthrOdbhavAm Suveera varmaNE napthrIm , Sudharma VarmaNa: PouthrIm , AakAsa bhUpa VarmaNa: PuthrIm , Sri Padmavati nAmnim imAm kanyAm lOka samrakshanArtham vriNimaHE. or when he makes the prarthana like the one follows, sure there were tears on many people's eyes: vandE lakshmIpatim dEvam sanka chakra gadhAdharam ! vidyA mUrtim hayagrIvam sabdhaArtha gn~Ana labdhayE !! amrutatmA da mEgAbham amrutA haranam vibhum ! pAncha rAtra AgamAchAryam vandE vaikunta bhUpatim !! bhagavan dEva dEvasa sanka chakra gadhAdhara ! udhvahaartham dEvasa anugn~Am dEhi mE prabhu !! bhagavatyamalE shrEstE bhaktaanugraha rUpinI ! udhvaham karishyamyadhya anugn~Am dEhi mE ramE !! dAsan Vijayaraman
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