thirup pAvai - part 36 - "kAr and kathir" - kAriyam and kAraNam
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sampath Rengarajan • Wed Jan 13 1999 - 04:36:32 PST
Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Dear bAgawathAs, The rays of the Sun are many times addressed as thousands of hands of a mother that hugs us everyday. No creature can survive in far way planets such as neptune or pluto as per the findings from modern astronomical science. Similarly the Sun light is so important for "thAvara inam" or plants that at one time hosts this jivAtmA prior to getting conceived by the Father and Mother. Without Sunlight these vegetables will perish. Without Sunlight many living being will cease to exist. Sunrays help many species thrive. Sunrays offers a helping hand for the survival of many species. Due to this reason the Sun rays or "kathir" is also addressed as a "thuNaik karam" or companion hand. Earlier it was discussed about the clouds as the "thiru mEni" which is known as someone who always gives without expecting anything in return. There is someone who cause the clouds to raise. ie. water particles evaporates and raise above to form a condensed cloud. This action is facilitated by the "kathir" or sooryan. It is very proper to deal the kAriayam and "kAraNam". The "kAriyam" or the act here is the clouds and their act of rain while "kAranam" or reason is the "kathir" or sooryan. The "sooryan" or "kathir" as a "kAranam" is compared to the hearts of pure minded persons the very sight of whom all the obstacles (annyAnam) are cleared (kAriyam) and the sins (karmAs) are cleansed. Sri ANDAL addresses the parOpakAram done by thiru muga mandaLa darsanam in clearing of annyAnam completeley. The Sun rays are not mere white in color. They have a band of seven colors. Sun emits several rays in several colors many of which are not conceivable by the naked eye of human beings. Howvever all the basic colors are all compounded into one color and the same is shown to us as bright white color. Sameway Lord's thiru muga mandaLam by itself hosts several of his gunAthisayam or kalyAna gunAs. For a surrendered soul HE provides the compounded and soothing white rays that is similar to a cool day light. Similarly the "neruppu" or fire of the Sun is thousands of celucius in temperature and the human race cannot stand this heat. However it is Lord's parOpakAram that such fire is kept far away and that only the required heat is priovided to the earth. Not too much not too litlle. Just enough is provided. But this "just enough" is a quantity or metric which is a mere "sArAl" or a drop of the energy of Sun. It is Lord's "parOpakAram" that HE offers the darsanam of HIS face or thiru muga mandaLam that is similar to the bright and white light of the sun and not HIS face that was shown to Sri Arjunan in the battle field during Srimad bagawath geetha upadEsam. Lord has to provide Sri ArjunA with HIS special eyes such that Sri ArjunA can see this sight of several other faces of the Lord in the universe doing several other functions simultaneously that almost terrified Sri Arjunan. Thus for a surrendered soul it is said by this "kathir mugam" that the face or the darsanam offered is similar to a sun that shows only the white colored rays that is soothing. Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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