thirup pAvai - part 34 - "kathir"
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sampath Rengarajan • Wed Jan 13 1999 - 04:30:35 PST
thirup pAvai - part 34 - "kathir" Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Dear bAgawathAs, The kArmEni chengaN is so popular that Sri ThoNdar adip podi AzhwAr also saw Sri RanganAthar's eye as "pavaLa vAy kamalach "chengaN", the red eye ! The tamil word "kathir" means "kiranangaL" or rays. The sanskrit word "kAnthi"also mean the same ie rays of bright light or "OLi". ie., The word "kathir" also means "OLi" or light. The tamil word for "sooryan" is "kathiravan". That is the one with the "kathirs" or rays of "OLi" or light and energy. "Kathir" is the one that clears our puRa "iruL" or external darkenss. The jivAtma has been living in a cloud of "annyAnam" or "aha iruL" ie., the "internal darkenss" for several births and deaths. On going through this "nOnbu" (SaranAgathi) after receiving mantra upadEsam from an AcharyA, and after doing the mantra japam as prescribed in the shAstras, the Lord clears our "aha iruL" *completely" with his thEjomaya swaroopam that is full of radiance. ie Centuries of iruL or darkeness will be cleared in a second. Such radiance comes form HIS thiru muga mandaLam. It is said in vedam that When Lord Sriman nArAyanA Wanted to start the "Shrusti" or creation, among the devAthAs "agni" incarnated from HIS face or thiru muga mandaLam. The birth place for agni being the thiru muga mandaLam, it is understood that, the Lord face has always been bright such that it is often addressed as "sunny bright face". In sanskrit it is said as "thathra govinda mAseenam prasan Athithya varchasam" ie Aaychiars prayed to the Lord gOvindhA who has incarnated in AaypAdi. Such Lord is the one has the thiru muga maNdaLam or face that is similar to the Sun or Adityan who has the light that is soothing. In tamil other this face of Lord Sri KrishnA is also referred as "muLai kathirai" or the rising sun. It is said that this face is like a sun that provides scorching heat sometimes to HIS virOdhi. ie., It is also said that this "kathir" or sooryan like face was so much threatening to the men folks sent by HIS enemies such as KamsA. In dridAshtra Rajya Sabha, when Duryodanan attempted to capture the messenger Sri Krishna, HE had to show this viRat swaroopam such that the emerging heat andf radiance slienced all of those including Sri Bhishma and Sri drOnAchAryA who were present but not stopping duryodan's orders. This will be dealt in one of the coming pasurams as well. Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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