Chicago adhyayana utsavam
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Mon Jan 11 1999 - 15:39:39 PST
namaskAram! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our SrI varadan mAmA (orginally from kAnchipuram and resident of Delhi), who has been a constant guide for us in chanting the prabandhams and in conducting the utsavam. Our perumAL was so kind to us that he directed SrI varadan mAma and his family to the first practice session at our house soon after the last year's adhyayana utsavam. They came to our practice session on that day even though they did not have the slightest idea that they were going to end up in our place when they left their house, and none of the prabandham group members knew them till that day. Smt. citra mAdhavan accidentally met varadan mAmA and his family for the first time time on that day at the temple just before they were leaving for India the next day, and through casual conversation, informed them of the practice session. This was a divine coincidence for us; Sri varadan mAmA taught us some basic principles that day and we were all very excited to have this learned scholar among us (to me, it was kAnchi varadharAjap perumAL Himself who had come to guide us in the right path). SrI varadan mAmA joined us again two months back and has been guiding us during our practice sessions towards the 2nd adhyayana utsavam at our temple that just concluded. varadan mAmA! Our heart-felt thanks to you for being our scholarly guide and also for your wonderful write-up of our adhyayana utsavam! It was a great pleasure putting faces and names together during this utsavam; maNi, varadan (T.A. varadan of Denver), mOhan sAgar& mAdhuri, ramEsh SArangapANi, sampath rengarAjan & vasanthi (with their child) honored us by their presence. SrIrAm and manjuLA have already become part of our families for quite sometime now (they are part of our prabandham session group and visit our perumAL every month during the first sunday tirumanjanam). And varadan (tirunalai ANDAn piLLai varadan) has made up his mind to visit our perumAL every month if possible. We would like to thank all the bhakti members who visited the temple during the utsavam for taking the extra efforts to come and participate in the utsavam with us. We feel like we have a closer relationship with them now than what the bhakti list correspondences had already created. Our SrI rAghavan (whom we call UDaiyavar of aurOrA bAlAji temple) is the most blessed devotee of all; perumAL chose him to conduct the first adhyayana utsavam for Him last year and has been constantly motivating him to keep working at it. The smile on utsavar's countenance that everyone has been talking about now is due to the diligent efforts that SrI rAghavan undertook to bring us all together at perumAL's bidding. As mOhan sAgar rightly requested, we would like to have a larger participation of our bhakti list members during our next adhyayana utsavam to be held in December, 1999. adiyen, Kalyani Krishnamachari
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