Re: Adyayana Utsavam in Chicago (24 Dec 98 - 01 Jan 99)

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sun Jan 10 1999 - 11:17:20 PST

Dan Pattangi wrote:

> The following note is from my father (Sri VP Srinivasa Varadan)
> visiting from India.
>      During the Adhyayana Utsavam, the Lord hear the
> Nalayera Divya Prabhandams of Alwars in the company of
> His Consorts and all the Alwars and Acharyas. During this
> festival no other festival or any other activity is conducted.
> Thus the exclusiveness of this festival. The celebra-
> tion enhances the prestige of the Temple in as much as
> the Temple is qualified for the noted Ehis (Jeeyars)
> and Acharya Purushas will be inclined to partake
> ThirthaPrasadams. The presence of Nammalwar and Bhagvad Ramanuja
> in the temple is testified by the celebration of Adyayana Utsavam.
> The Special Kanthi or Brightness with smile (punmuruval)
> after witnessing  the Ghoshti and hearing the lucid
> prabhandams was conspicously noticed in the face of the
> Lord by most of the Rasikas who participated in the Utsavam.

I would like to join Sri Srinivasa Varadan Swamy in expressing my
thanks and compliments to all the good bhAgavathas in the Chicago area
for organizing such a magnificent and spiritually inspiring event.

Despite the fact that I am only just beginning to understand the wisdom
of our satsAmpradayam, and am only taking very small steps to learn a
few things, I had the bhAgyam of also being able to see the smile on
Perumal's face when He saw the gathering of bhAgavathas who had come
from all parts of the country to perform kainkaryam to Him.

I must also express what a joy it was to speak with Sri Srinivasa
Varadan.  His scholarly and humane demeanor and level of wisdom show
him to be a true SriVaishnava in every sense.  Although we were able to
speak for only a short time in between the busy set of activities
surrounding the utsavam, what I learned from him was personally

I would, once again, like to express my sincere thanks and compliments
to all of you in the Chicago area who made this event such an inspiring
one for both Madhuri and me.

I would also like to encourage the members of this and other forums to
support our fellow bhAgavathas in Chicago in making next year's
adhyAyana utsavam an even grander event.

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,
