Re: Sri Agnihotram swamy and Srivaishnavism- by sri Dileepan

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat Jan 09 1999 - 18:47:59 PST

Srimate Sri Lakshminrusimha Parabrahmane namaha

Dear devotees,
namo nArAyaNA. pranAmams.

adiyEn's father went to Sri ART's house and got the things clarified.
whole letter presented at the NAMA Dallas Conference was his writings
 only and Sri ART believes in whatever he wrote as correct ( though
  many a things are in absolute direct contradiction with sAstrAs ie.
  Sri Vaishnavam ).

  Sri ART then started talking to my father about his findings out of
  own research (as he puts it)  :
  For Sri ART, Gadya Trayam is not a composition of rAmAnujar ;
  rAmAnujar doesn't knew tamil it seems and he was from persia/kashmir
  it seems; Nammazhwar performed Saranagathy to Sivan, Vishnu and
  Brahma together it seems ; the list goes on and on.......

  As a side note adiyEn wants to point out that Sri ART's "vedaththil
   was severely criticized by the mahAtmA Abhinava Desikan Uttamoor
   Swamy. During the Centenary Celebrations of Uttamoor Swamy(Jan 1997)
   Sri ART told many things which were again contradictory to sAstrAs /
   Vaishnavam. Ofcourse the AchAryA who spoke next thrashed all those
    speculative ideas in a polished way.

    One AchAryA expressed the view that  Sri ART shouldn't talk about
    own ideas/understanding of vedas,  when he is speaking during the
    Centennary celebration of  Uttamoor SwAmy. At such instances, one
    should speak only what is consistent with Uttamoor Swamy's writings
    according to sampradAyam) . That AchAryA also has the view that ,
    when a Srimukham is given for a Sri Vaishnava Conference, it
    contain messages that are contradictory to Sri Vaishnavam. If one
feels that
    he can't  write a Srimukham (letter) consistent with Sri
Vaishnavam,  he
    should refuse to write the Srimukham rather than filling it with
    that are not in accordance with Sri Vaishnavam.

    adiyEn doesn't have anything against Sri ART as a person. Its pretty

    obvious that adiyEn (or whomsoever who follows sampradAyam)
    can't agree with many of Sri ART's views. So, the issue is only
    regarding the views of Sri ART and not him as a person.

    adiyEn doesn't know about the rules of the list properly . So Sri
    can point out if something is contradictary to his own views on how
    posting should be there on the list.

    But according to adiyEn, Sri Dileepan's posting on this issue was
    very balanced and composed and was written in a very good mood.
    adiyEn appreciates Sri Dileepan's posting.

    adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan
    ananthapadmanAbha dAsan