Apology for my mistake

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Jan 06 1999 - 06:23:55 PST

Dear Bhagavatas,
     In my previous note on "why have kalais", i made a mistake in wrongly
interpreting the follow:
 .... Little do we realize that when we start our Thiruvaradhanam, we start as
"Ramanuja Dhaya Patram", and not with what kalai we belong to. If we truly
consider Ramanuja as our Paramacharya (and i am sure all of us do), why are we
restricted to following only one kalai....

As I came to understand later from one of the fellow bhagavathas, "Ramanuja
Dhaya patram" is the Vadakalai version, and does not pertain to both kalais. I
apologize for my lack of knowledge and jumping to conclusion. Maybe I should
have used a better example by way of the Moolamantrams, which are devoid of
kalais and pertain to only Perumal. I sincerely thank this fellow bhagavatha for
setting me right.

adiyen, ramanuja dasan