Re: Badarayana
From the Bhakti List Archives
K. Sadananda • Mon Feb 26 2001 - 04:23:17 PST
Vishal - no words to express my thanks for the educative information. Looks like I have to catch up with lot of reading. I will take up your suggestion to study intensely Shreebhaashya before I venture into taking up Bhagavaan Raamaanuja's criticism of Advaita system. I am little bit familiar about the laghu, mahaa purvapaksha-s and siddhanta-s of Ramanuja, particularly with reference to the avidya aspect of advaita system. I am still collecting books on these and also as your suggestion of Sudarshanasuuri's commentary as well - if I can get hold of side by side good English commentary. Currently in my notes on Brahmasuutra, I am restricting myself predominantly to Shankara Bhaasya to do a justice to it. I am doing elaborately to insure that the arguments presented are very clear at least to myself first. I noticed Shankarabhagavatpaada spent lot of discussion taking puurvamiimaamsa as puurvapaksha - particularly Praabhakara and BhaaTTa matams under the pretext of explaining the word 'tu' in the- tat tu samanvayaat -suutra. I am still writing on that. If and when I am through with Shankara Bhaasya I intend to take up Shree bhaashya and study his criticism of Advaita from my perspective. I will take rain check from you to tap your wisdom and knowledge whenever I need it. I did look into your web pages on Sudarshanasuuri and Totakachaarya - They are very informative. Have collected references from your list. Thanks again with praNaam-s. Hari Om! Sadananda -- K. Sadananda Code 6323 Naval Research Laboratory Washington D.C. 20375 Voice (202)767-2117 Fax:(202)767-2623 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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