Re: New member
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mohan Sagar • Fri Feb 23 2001 - 21:51:59 PST
Dear Sri Venkataraman, You have already received some very interesting and insightful responses on your thought provoking questions. I was also inspired by reading through them, so I thought that I would share my views on this subject: ----- Original Message ----- From: K.N.VenkataramanTo: Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 8:21 PM Subject: New member > :: Sri GuruBhyoh Namah :: > > 1. "Is the surrender at the feet of the Lord Naaraaayana > more sublime, more important, more necessary than a > surrender to one's ['Janma Hetu'] - parents, and one's > SadGuru? > > 2. Can surrender be of differing shades - i.e., the > surrender to the Lord being the highest form of surrender > and all other surrendering being of lower nature? > > 3. Can a surrender to the Lord without the blessings of > one's parents and Sadguru result in Liberation? > I think that all 3 questions can be cleared up if one understands how SriVaishnava Siddhantam defines surrender. According to our AchAryans, the sAstras speak of 2 main ways to realizing God. One is bhakti yOga, or the path of devotion, that is supported by karma, selfless action in the form of worship, and jNAna, proper understanding of the nature of this Universe. The other is prapatti, or the path of self surrender. Contrary to present day belief, no one in this age is really qualified to practice the rigid discipline required to following this first path, so the Lord out of His Boundless Love offers the second and more direct path to Himself, the path of prapatti, self surrender. The nature of Surrender lies in completely leaving aside any self effort in seeking our own means to self realization and salvation, and simply and wholeheartedly relying on the mercy of Sriman Narayana, knowing that He alone is the Means our Salvation, and that serving Him Alone is the only True Happiness, the only reason for seeking Salavation. Now while this on a superficial level seems simple, particularly when compared to the challenging path of yOga, the emotional and spiritual aspects of surrender are in reality very complex, making it virtually impossible for those of living in the age of ignorance to surrender by ourselves. So, once again, the Lord in His Infinite Mercy and His ever constant desire to redeem us, gives us a means, the AchAryan. As Sri Venkatesh has so wonderfully brought forth in his posting, the AchAryan can be likened to a mother who sacrifices everything for her children to raise them and guide them on the path that will lead to True Happiness. In this case, that path that the AchAryan reveals to us is the path of Surrender, prapatti. Interestingly, however, and once again as an expression of the Lord's mercy, the AchAryan goes even one step further. A mother's love is such that she cannot even bear to see her children suffering even slightly, even if such struggle leads to something good. The AchAryan's love being the same way, he actually takes on the path that he intended for us to take by surrendering on our behalf, becoming the connection between ourselves and the Lord to assure our salvation. Such a loving act on the part of the teacher cannot help but help nurture feelings of love in our own hearts, and we began to naturally engage in AchArya abhimAnam as described by Swamy Pillai LokAchAr. While it is described that this service pleases the Lord so much that He assures our Salvation, the spirit of Loving Service to Sriman Narayana through service to the AchAryan and other devotees is such a joyous experience, that we soon can begin to even forget the very desire for the fruit of salvation that brought us to the AchAryan in the first place. Consequently, Absolute Faith in the AchAryan is equivalent, and indeed in my opinion, is essentially the same thing as surrendering to the Lord. Since this surrender is a direct experience of the Supreme Lord Sriman Narayana's Love in one's heart that is experiencesd as the AchAryan's loving intercession, it is an all encompassing and all inclusive experience that has no gradations or substitutions. And, since it is only brought about by Sriman Narayana's Grace Alone, there really can be no question of the need for approval or blessings from others. All that is necessary, other than the inclination and acceptance on the part of the aspirant, is an AchAryan having thorough knowledge of the path of surrender as promoted by the foremost example of this "maternal" affection for humanity, Sri Ramanuja. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Mohan -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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