Padhuka Sahasram-345
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Thu Feb 22 2001 - 13:56:41 PST
Sri: SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha, Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin: 345. prashamayathi janAnAm sanjvaram rangaBharthu: parisarachalithAnAm pAdhukE! chAmarANAm anudhinamupayAthaIrutThitham dhivyapuShpaI: nigamaparimaLam thE nirvishan ganDhavAha: Oh Paaduka! Divine flowers are brought everyday from Devaloka. When they are presented to You, the wind from the wafting of chamaras blows out the fragrance of flowers along with that of the Vedas together: this dispels the devotees' samsara-heat! Namo Narayana, SriMuralidhara Dasan Special Notes by V.SatakOpan (V.S): SlOkam 345 *********************************************** (1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: In this verse, Swamy Desikan describes how Vaayu also serves as an AchAryan like the bees mentioned in a previous slOkma. He says: " Oh PaadhukE! Every day , DevAs shower divine flowers from the nandavanam of Indran on You. At that time , the servants of the Lord perform chAmara kaimkaryam to You.The wafts of air (Vaayu) generated during the movement of the fans spread the fragrance of VedAs mingled with the parimaLam of divine pushpams all around. Vaayu serves this way and lets all the inhabitants of the world know that Your Lord is the Supreme Being praised with out let by the VedAs. People experiencing the fragrance spread by Vaayu end up with the destruction of their samsAric afflictions. (2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: The entire gamut of the SamsAric afflictions are banished through the experience of Swamy NammAzhwAr's darsanam , enjoyment of the fragrance of the mahizhampoo garland adorning His neck and the listening of His Sri Sookthis. (3) Swamy Deesikan says that the samsAra tApams of the people of the world are removed ( JanaanAm Samjvaram prasamayathi). How does it happen and what is the causative factor? Swamy points out that the nigama parimaLam (Vedic fragrance) of satAri Soori mingling with the fragrance of the divine flowers from Indran's nandhavanam are wafted across by the waving fans of KaimkaryaparALs of RanganAthA and that fragrance is responsible for the banishmnet of the fever of SamsAric afflictions...(V.S) -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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