Re: Doubts & Information requested

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Feb 22 2001 - 12:37:35 PST

--- In bhakti-list@y..., zz_nrsalarycell  wrote:
> 			Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha : 
> 			Sri Venkata Gurava Namaha :
> 			Annavillappan Tiruvadigala sharanam 
> 	Respected Members,
> 	The following doubts may kindly be clarified : 
> 	1.	Kshiraabdi (Thru Paal Kadal) and Vaikundam are referred to
> be one of the DDs,
> 		which is  Lord Sriman Narayanan's PERMANENT abode,
> 		the former or the later.  If later,  then can we infer that
> Thri Paal Kadal as   
> 		His Office and Vaikundam as his residence.  Where do our
> Aacharyas reside 
> 		(who attained Paramapadam -- again, the former or later)
> 		where do we reach ultimately (i.e., the attainer of Moksha)
> after death.
> 		This doubt sounds silly, but still..................

There is a classic work by Sri Pillai Lokacharya called Archiraadhi
which describes the path taken by a soul on its way to Vaikuntham.
There was one english translation of this work by one Miss Ramesh. I 
have this typed up and a portion of it is archived in the bhakti list

I think the answer to the question is all liberated souls go to
Vaikuntham (Paramapadam).


Venkatesh Elayavilli

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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