Divya nakha pankti
From the Bhakti List Archives
sadagopan iyengar • Sun Feb 18 2001 - 03:10:48 PST
Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika yatindra Mahadesikaya nama: Divya Nakha Pankthi Every part of EmperumAn’s thirumEni has its own beauty , being aprAkritA (not madeup of worldly matter). Azhwars and Acharyas have vied with one another in describing vividly the overwhelming soundarya of Sria:pati. The beauty of each part of His divine form is so captivating that it does not permit the beholder to take his eyes off and proceed further to enjoy the other parts of His divya mangala vigrahA. “ThOL kandAr thOLE kandAr “says KambanAttazhwAn. In this piece, adiyen would like to highlight the divya sookthis of Azhwars and Acharyas, dealing with Emperuman’s divya nakhAs{nails}.One might wonder as to what could possibly be said about nails, which are perhaps the most insignificant part of the body –but please do read on. We start our journey with Swami Desikan’s Sri DevanAyaka Panchasat. Referring to the diamond-like splendour of the nails on Sri DevanathA’s charanAravindA, Swami Desikan says that the diya nakha ratna pankthi,( to which the holy Garuda nadhi owes its origins), by its glittering waves of light, cleanses the darkest of sins ,which ensnare us like mud. Further, all the dEvAs pay obeisance to Sri Devanatha by sAshtAnga pranAmA,and when their heads touch the lotus feet of Adiyavarkku Meyyan, the glow of their crowns is enhanced by the brilliance of His nails. PankAni asou mama nihanti mahastarangai: GangAdhikAm vidadhatee garuda sravantheem. NakoukasAm mani kireeta ganai : upAsyA Natha tvadeeya padayor nakha ratna pankti : Of course, the maximum references to His nails occur with relation to the NrsimhAvatAram, where the Lord, to honour the boon obtained by Hiranyakasipu that he should not be killed by any AyudhAs, used His nails for slaying the asurA. Sri ParakAlA is so struck by the nakhAs that in the Periya Thirumozhi patthu on Sri Ahobilam , he refers time and again to the terrible nails that Emperuman sported during this instantaneous avatAram-“avunan Agam vaLLugirAl pozhntha punithan”,”avunan kolaikkayAlan nejidantha koorugirAlan”, etc. Again, in the patthu dedicated to ThirunAngoor Vaikunta Vinnagaram, Sri Kaliyan makes a similar reference to “Iraniyanai naNNi avan mArvagalatthu ugir maduttha nAthan”. The most graphic description of nails occurs in Sri KamAsikAshtakam, where Swami Desikan says that Sri NrsimhA’s nails assumed a viswaroopa of their own and, powerful as the VajrAyudhA, tore open Hiranyakasipu’s chest. The blood which gushed out made the Lord’s hands appear red as the twilight skies. “vikaswara nakha swarukshatha hiranya vakshastthalee nirargala vinirgalath rudhira sindhu sandhyAyitA. Avantu mada nAsikA manuja pancha vaktrasya mAm Aham pratamika mita : prakatita aahavA bAhava : « Incidentally, one of the most beautiful slokas on EmperumAn’s rakshakatvam follows the aforesaid sloka- “tvayi rakshati rakshakai:imanyai: twayicha arakshati rakshakai:kimanyai:” Supplying the rationale for the virtue of ananyagatitvam, Sri NigamAntha Guru says that if the Lord decides to save somebody,there is no need to look to other lesser gods for protection; similarly, once He makes up his mind not to protect someone, no other person can save him( refer to the kAkAsura episode).Hence in both cases, there is no point in looking to others as saviours. Another poorvAchArya sookti, Sri NrsimhAshtakam, also mentions His nails – “thunga nakha pankti dalitAsura varAsrik Panka nava kumkuma vipankila mahOra: Pandita nidhAna kamalAlaya namstE Pankaja nishanna Narasimha Narasimha And there is of course the famous DasAvatAra stotra srisookthi “pratyadishta purAtana praharana grAma:kshanam pAnijai: avyAt treeNi jaganti akunta mahimA vaikunta kanteerava: yat prAdurbhavanAth avandya jatarA yadricchikat vedhasAm yA kAchit sahasA mahAsura griha stooNa pithAmahi abhooth” During Sri NrismhAvatAram, the Lord forsook all his divyAyudhas for his nails-He was supremely confident that the nails could ably substitute the various weapons he constantly sports for sAdhu paritrAnam ( pAtu pranata rakshAyAm vilambam asahanniva-sadA panchAyudhee bibhrat sa na:Sri Ranga nAyaka:). The reddish brilliance of the nails on Sri TrivikramA’s upraised lotus feet(during VamanAvataram) casts its glow afar in the heavens, making it appear as though He has created a new,well-lit path through the skies for the Mudal AzhwArs to ascend to Sri VaikuntA.This is portrayed in the following Sri Dehaleesa Stuti slokA: “kreedaparENa bhavatA vihitOparodhan ArAdhakAn anuparOdham udanchayishyan. TAmrENa pAda nakharENa tadA andamadhyE GhantApadam kamapi noonam avartayastvam.” But it is the PadukA Sahasram that takes the pride of place for its copious references to the Lord’s nails. Just a few for a sample- In sanchAra paddhati, Swam Desikan points out to the substitution of nails for ayudhAs in Sri NrsimhAvatAra and says that similar substitution is not possible in the case of the PadukA,when Bhagwan leaves on sanchAram. That is to say, while even the divyAudhAs can be dispensed with, the PadukA is indispensable. “pAdAvani kvachana vikramaNE bhujAnAm panchAyudhee kararuhai : bhajatE vikalpam. Nityam tvamEva niyatA padayOr MurArE : TEnAsi noonam avikalpa samAdhi yOgyA” Similarly in Bahuratna padhati, while enjoying the beauty of Sri RanganAtha at AstAnam after sanchAram, Tooppul Pillai describes the admixture of brilliance from the various ratnAs adorning the pAdukA, with the natural brilliance of the nails in NamperumAl’s hastham- “janayasi padAvani tvam muktAsoNa mani sakraneela ruchA. Nakha ruchi santati ruchirAm nandaka nistrimsa sampadam sourE:” The pleasingly white nails in Sri RanganAtA’s tiruvadi are compared to the Moon and the pearls adorning the pAdukA, to the stars come to pay their respects to their pati , ChandrA. This slOka is from the MuktA paddhati- Tava ranga chandra tapaneeya pAdukE VimalA samudvahati mouktikAvali : CharanAravinda nakha chandramandala PranayOpayAta nava tAraka ruchim « The ShAstrarttha that nectar flows from the nails of EmperumAn’s left tiruvadi and it is this nectar that is responsible for destroying the endless sins of the bhaktAs, is highlighted in the following slokam,again from the MuktA paddhati- “vaikunta pAda nakha vAsanayEva nityam pAdAvani prasuvatE tava mouktikAni. Acchinna tApa samanAya samAsritAnAm AlOka mandalamishAt amruta pravAham » There are several other beautiful slOkAs in the Bimba pratibimba paddhati,indraneela paddhati,maradaga paddhati,etc, with brilliantly poetic descriptions of the nails in relation to the pAdukA,in Kavi Simham’s inimitable style. With apologies for this inordinately long posting, dasan, sadagopan. Srimate Srivan Satakopa Sree lakshminrsimha divya paduka sevaka Sri Narayana Yateendra maha esikaya nama: v __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year! http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list@yahoogroups.com
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