Madhura Kavi : X.3 Taniyans Posting : A Correction

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Feb 14 2001 - 18:36:20 PST

Dear BhakthAs :

An error had crept in my attribution of " Inbhatthil iRainjuthalil--"
paasuram of Swamy Desikan . It is from AdhikAra Sangraham(paasuram 2) 
and not from Prabhnadha Saaram of Swamy Desikan .I was going to
write about the Prabhandha Saaram " Taniyan " on Madhura Kavi
originally and the order got mixed up.

This "Inbhatthil IRainjuthalil--" paasuram and
the next one in AdhikAra Sangraham praising 
the importance of AchArya Paramparai's anusanthAnam 
( Yennuyir tantthaLitthavarai SaraNam pukki--)are two
of the most important paasurams dealing with 
Swamy Desikan's Upadesam on the AchArya vaibhavam
for us.Some describe this "Inbhatthil IRainjuthalil--"
paasuram is originally from the now extinct work of
Sawmy Desikan known as "Madhura Kavi Hrudhayam".
It is however enshrined in AdhikAra Sangraham now.

The Prabhandha Saaram Taniyan on Madhura Kavi, which got
left out is as follows:

ThERiya maajn~Anamudan ThirukkOLUril
  ChitthirayiR Chitthirai naaL Vanthu thOnRi
AaRiya NalanbhudanE KuruhUr Nampikku 
  anavaratham antharanga-adimai seythu
MaaRanai allAl yenRum maRanthum thEvu
  maRRaRiyEn yenum Madhura kaviyE nee munn
kooRiya KaNNinuNN SiRutthAmpu athaniR paattuk-
  kulavu pathinonRum yenakku uthavu neeyE 

(Meaning): Oh Maadhura Kavi born on 
Chitthirai maasa Chitthirai at ThirukkOLUr 
with clear Jn~Anam and who performed antharanga 
kaimkaryam for Swamy NammAzhwAr with intense 
devotion and without let ! You declared that 
You do not know of any gods other than Swamy
NammAzhwAr . Please bless me now with the Jn~Anam
about the eleven paasurams of Your aruLiccheyal
(blessed work) KaNNinuNN SirutthAmpu that you blessed 
the world earlier. 

(Comments):Even when KrishNa ParamAthmA was living at
DhvArakai during his (Madhura kavi's) lifetime , he did not
seek Bhagavan's feet for Prapatthi based on his conviction 
that he has to approach the Lord through a sadAchAryan and 
hence he waited for Swamy NammAzhwAr's avathAram to perform
Prapatthi at His sacred feet. He considered thereafter
that his AchAryan's sacred feet alone are his Taaraka-Poshaka
Bhagyam and performed uninterrupted kaimkrayam to 
his AchAryan.Through this act , Madhura Kavi showed 
the world the ancient , auspicious and safe route 
(Tholl Vazhi)of AchArya Bhakthi even over Bhagavath
Bhakthi . Madhura Kavi thus pointed out that even with
the greatest bhakthi to Bhagavaan , those who do not 
approach Him through a sadAchAryan will not be redeemed.
Madhura Kavi instructed us on this very important doctrine 
for the first time (nee munn kooRiya) through his Prabhandham . 

Madhura Kavi AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE saraNam 
RaamAnuja Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil SatakOpan 

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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