Padhuka Sahasram-341

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Feb 12 2001 - 13:55:33 PST


SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,

Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:

341. dhishidhishi munipathnyO dhaNdakAraNyaBhAgE
     na jahathi bahumAnAnnUnamadhyApi mUlam 

Oh Rama-Paaduka! The wives of the sages living in Dandaka forest at 
various places still cherish the trees-and refuse to leave those 
tree-sites-on the ground that they had once furnished the flowers to 
use for Paaduka-archana.

Namo Narayana,

SriMuralidhara Dasan

Special Notes by V.Satakopan(V.S): Slokma 341
(1) Sri Utthamur Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE
adorning the holy feet of Raghupathy! The wives of
the sages of DaNdakA forst stay close to the flowering
trees , which originally contributed flowers for
the worship of Raama PaadhukAs. In every corner of
DaNdakA forest , we see the display of affection to
the above trees displayed by the wives of the sages.
These rishi pathnis recognize the unique service rendered
by these trees to the Paadhukais and water them and
take good care of them.

(2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: The inner meaning is that
mahans always offer their salutations to the sites ,
where PrumAL and AchAryAs have rested even once.

(3) There are flowering trees in the gardens of
the Aasramams of Rishis of DaNdakAraNyam ,where
Raama Padhukais were worshipped once .Flowers from
these trees were collected and  placed on the Lord's Paadukais
by the Rishi pathnis ( Raghupathi PadharakshE! munipathnya:
thvath parishkAra hEthO: apachitha kusumAnAm
aasramAnOkahAnAm). Even today , they water the roots
of those blessed trees out of maryAdhai(reverence)
to them and do not forget them ( aasramAnOkahAnAm moolam
bahaumAnAth adhyApi na jahathi )...(V.S)

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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