HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji's Monthly Discourse - 10th(Free) & 24th($10) Feb.-9am CST

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Feb 07 2001 - 11:22:34 PST

SrimathE rAmAnujAya namaha          Jai Srimannarayana!
Dear Devotees:

We are honored to announce one pre-recorded (free) and one live ($10) lecture 
every month by Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar

Pre-recorded lecture     (Free of cost)
On       Saturday 10th, Feb 2001 and every 2nd Saturday of the Month
           7am Pacific / 9am Central /  10am Eastern ST

Live lecture     ($10 / Lecture)
On       Saturday 24th, Feb 2001 and every Last Saturday of the Month
           7am Pacific / 9am Central /  10am Eastern ST

Pre-recorded Swamiji's Lecture - 10th Feb:Intended Audience: Students of all
Dial Codes for the free pre-recorded lecture:  9am CST.
(Please dial in 5 minutes before the start time, of course you can join
the conference any time you choose between 8:45 and 11:00am)

Phone number to call:    405 244 5555
Conference Code:         7661#             (Please enter # after the 4 digit

Please press *6 to mute your line (so others do not hear you)
Press *6 again to unmute the line. (To talk to srI Swamiji/others)

For the live lecture on 24th Feb.
To register Pay via Paypal
Web Page: http//www.chinnajeeyar.org/teleupanyasam.htm

If you pay via paypal, the paypal system will automatically
register you for the conference and send you the codes.

If you are not paying via paypal send mail to: jetusatalk@srivaishnava.org
and then send the check to  JET USA Inc. P.O.Box 565, Aurora, IL 60507, USA.

It is our good fortune that H.H Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji has agreed to give
us these lectures in English. Everyone should make use of this
opportunity to listen to His Holiness, every last Saturday of the month
9am to 10am CST.

How to listen (For both the lectures 2nd Saturday & Last Saturday)
The talk will be conducted over a tele-conference bridge and can
be heard over your telephone by dialing a number which will be
provided upon registering.
Sri Swamiji will speak for about 45 Minutes, following this will be 20
minutes of open Questions and Answers.

If you have a fast Internet connection (56k or greater) and a PC
equipped with a sound card, you can avoid long-distance phone
charges by listening to the conference via www.dialpad.com
or via msn messenger.

Payment Instructions
Payments can be made on-line with a credit card (MC/Visa) using
our secure payment system by visiting

If you do not have a credit card or prefer to pay by check,
simply send the check ($10/ Lecture) to:
JET USA Inc. P.O.Box 565, Aurora, IL 60507, USA.

For further inforamtion contact:      danp@uic.edu    312 850 1169

In the spirit of service,
AzhwAr EmberumAnAr Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE saranam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan
Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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