Re: [parakalamutt] Sri SatyakAlam

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Feb 06 2001 - 11:39:37 PST

Dear Sri. Balaji:  Many thanks for commencing this wonderful series
which cuts right to the heart of post-rAmAnuja Srivaishnavism.  Just
like swAmi geethAchAryan's upadesam in mahAbhArata is of utmost
importance among all the itihAsas, so are the magnificient contributions
of poorvAchAryALs like Sri. vAtsya varadaguru, Sri. sudarsana soori,
Sri. Pillai LokAchArya and swAmi Sri. Desikan brought to light through
this chaotic period of war and invasion.

adiyEn takes the liberty of comparing the epic story of Sri. satyakAlam
in Srivaishnavism with the bhagawad geethai of Srimad mahAbhArata.
Bhaktas may kindly overlook any errors in my emotional reaction.  I
keenly await reading the remaining two parts of this series.

thooppul thiruvEnkatam udayAn thiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Thanks and regards,
-Srinath C.

Balaji CG wrote:

> ShrimatAm Sri VAdihamsAmbudAchArya samyami sArvabhouma divya katAksha labdha
> sArvajna Shrimataam Shri Ghantaavataaram Kavitaarkikasimha Sarvatantra
> Swatantra Vedaantaachaarya Sri Thooppul Nigamaanta Maha Deshikaaya Namaha
>         The celebrated acharya kshetram of Sri Satyagalam, a small village
> at about 150 kms from Bangalore is very significant and holy place in the
> Sri Vaishnavite world. This because of the fact that Swamy Deshikar, the
> greatest vaishnava acharya after Bhagavad Ramanuja lived in this village for
> many years. A small history of Swamy Deshikar's association with this
> kshetram is presented below.

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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