nAcciyAr tirumozhi XII maRRu irundIrgaTku 2 (Resent)
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Tue Feb 06 2001 - 06:38:01 PST
SrI: SrI ANDAL samEta SrI ra’ngamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam nAcciyAr tirumozhi XII– maRRu irundIrgaTku pASuram 12.2 (twelth tirumozhi – pAsuram 2 nANi ini Or ) nANi ini Or karumam illai nAl ayalArum aRindu ozhindAr pANiyAdu ennai marundu Seydu paNDu paNDAkka uRudirAgil mANi uruvAi ulagu aLanda mAyanaik kANil talai maRiyum AnaiyAl nIr ennaik kAkka vENDil AyppADikkE ennai uyttiDumin A. From SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise: There is no point feeling ashamed about the situation anymore. Everyone in this village now knows about me and my viraha tApam. Without delaying any further, make arrangements for me to join Him, if you really want to restore me to the state of physical health I was in before I got involved with Him. If you all really want to save me, take me to AyppADi so that I can have the darSanam of the emperumAn who came in a dwarf form and measured the three worlds with His tirup pAdam. This is the only thing that will cure my disease. B. Additional thoughts from SrI PVP: nANi ini Or karumam illai: What is the use any more trying to protect my femininity with nANam or shyness? Shyness (nANam – “lajjai”) is one of the four qualities (fearfulness, tenderness, shyness and modesty) of womanhood. The shyness needs to be observed by a woman who is going to wait for a few days and then be united with her nAyakan. Such is not the case with ANDAL, who will be not be alive long enough for this union in the future. She has lost her interest in living at all and so she has lost all her shyness also. Being stung by the pangs of separation, she has come to a stage where she feels she cannot live anymore; there is no point anymore in her feeling shy. The ‘dharmam’ of nANam is to be observed by the observer of that dharmam (i.e., the dharmI) only when she is going to be alive in the future; in the case of godai, she is fading fast, and so there is no need to worry about protecting this dharmam. ini: from now on. This phrase shows that she has tried her best so far to protect her nANam, but is feeling the futility of this approach at this point. nAl ayalArum aRindu ozhindAr: If it would help me, I can feel shy so that others do not find out about my plight in being separated from Him. It would make sense to keep this a secret only when there are some people who are unaware of my plight. When the village folks did not know about me, I kept it a secret, but now you all know. Not only the folks in our town know about me, but also those in the neighboring areas. So, what is the use of my having nANam anymore? aRindu ozhindAr: Just as tirukkOTTiyUr nambi kept baghavad vishyam a secret, gOdai tried to hide her plight from others. Just as that secret was exposed to whole world by SrI emperumAnAr, gOdai’s secret also got out of the bag. pANiyAdu, ennai marundu Seydu: Without wasting more time, please take whatever steps you can in order to take care of my disease of separation from Him. paNDu paNDu Akka uRudirAgil: “paNDu” here refers to the stage she was in before this stage. The first “paNDu” refers to the stage before the current viraha tApam, namely the stage she was in when she was united with Him and having that enjoyment; the other “paNDu” refers to the stage prior to that, namely when she got to know Him, when she was a kanni, and had the shine of the young girl. So this phrase says: “If you really want to bring me back to the stage in which I was before I knew Him”. Even from the time she started having association with Him, she started going down because her union with Him was interspersed by periods of separartion from Him. gOdai’s luster has been diminishing day after day after she knew Him. Now that she is separated from Him, her “polivu” is going down even more drastically. mANi uruvAi: in the form of the brahmacAri vAmanan; He took this form to beg; so, He took a form where He would keep a smiling face no matter whether anyone gave Him bihskA, or shut the door on His face and did not give Him any bikshA. ulagu aLanda mAyanaik kANil: Only if I get to “see” that ulagaLanda perumAL. She is not any more in the stage where she can sustain her life by contemplating on His guNa-s alone. SrI krishNaswAmi ayyangar observes that she is not any more in the stage where she had declared earlier - “gOvindan guNam pADi Avi kattu iruppEnE” - NT 8-3. ANaiyAl nIr ennaik kAkka vENDil: Two interpretations are given by SrI PVP depending on how the term “ANai” is interpreted here. The first is something like “On your word of honor! If you really want to protect me….”. The second is “If you want to protect me by bringing some clarity to my ability to understand your words and conduct myself according to your commands”. AyppADikkE ennai uyttiDumin: leave me in AyppADi. SrI PVP’s anubhavam here is one of wondering at all the leelA’s of young kRshNa in AyarpADi, and how yaSodA must have really enjoyed all His bAla leelA’s, and in fact supported Him in all His mischiefs, while outwardly making it appear that she was harsh to Him when people complained. He gives several examples of His “mischiefs” and yaSodA’s mild rebukes to Him, which almost seem to suggest to Him to indulge in more mischief! In periya tirumozhi 10-7-11, we see one of these mild rebukes of yaSodA: “a’nganam tImaigaL SeyvargaLO nambI! Ayar maDa makkaLai” – (kaNNA! Should you be doing mischief with innocent AyarpADi girls like that?). ANDAL refers to how yaSOdA pretends to scold Him, but really encourages Him to show all these girls that He is the “man”, in NT 3-9 “anja urappAL aSOdai ANADa viTTiTTu irukkum” – (yasOdai will not scold kaNNan as to make Him afraid; she behaves as if she is enjoying His pranks and leaves Him to do more pranks). Again, it is that yasOdai who said “un tam aDigaL munivar unnai nAn en kayyiR kOlAl nondiDa mOdavum killEn” – (if you keep committing pranks, your father will get mad; I do not even have the strength for taking a stick and beating you). In periyAzhvAr tirumzhi 3-2-6, we have yaSodA declaring openly that she would have preferred Him to be around indulging in mischiefs rather than letting Him go in the hot sun to manage the cows - “paDiRu pala Seydu ippADi engum tiriyAmE – en piLLaiyaip pOkkinEn. In this pASuram, ANDAL is asking the mothers around her to take her to yaSodA’s place so that yaSodA can have first-hand view of the victim of His pranks and feel happy. C. Additional thoughts from SrI PBA: gOdai’s folks tell her: “you are supposed to be a paDi tANDA pattini; if you leave the house and go out boldly, it will end up in a great shame for all. Everyone will say – what a shame that such a woman ended up in such a nice family. This is not good for you. You have to protect your prestige and that of your family ”. godai responds: There is no more secret in my life. My state is like that of a cow that goes and grazes grass from seven different places and drinks water from eight different places (“EzhUrp pullaiyum meyyndu eTTUrt tannIraiyum kuDittu varugiRa kONDip paSuvin nilai pOnRadanRO enadu nilai”). I have nothing left to be ashamed of, nor do I have to feel shame to anyone. If you really want to help me, take to AyarpADi without any delay and leave me there, where He is present”. pANiyAdu: without procrastinating. Among the azhvArs, only periyAzhvAr (“pANIkka vENDA naDamin” ) and ANDAL use this term pANittal. paNDu paNDAkka: SrI PBA comments that the stage prior to her samSlesham with Him was the stage where she did not have any interest in bhagavad vishayam, and just spent the time eating sumptuously and sleeping well (uNDiyE uDaiyE ugandirunda kAlam”. Obviously, she was in much better health at that stage than when she became associated with Him and started longing for Him. Abbreviations: ------------------ PVP= SrI periyavAccAn piLLai PBA= SrI prativAdi bhayankaram aNNangarAcAriyAr UV = SrI uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyeti samarpayAmi. aDiyEn, kalyANi kRshNamAcAri __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices. -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to:
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