Re: Fwd: Vaaranam Aayiram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Feb 06 2001 - 13:12:31 PST

Dear SrI Malolan Cadambi,

You wrote:
> I came across an internet site on divya desams which 
> mentions that Bhattar piraan kodai has composed another 
> work called Vaaranam Aayiram, apart from Naachiyar 
> Thirumozhi and Thiruppavai.

"vAraNam Aayiram" is a set of pAsurams, which is a part of
nAchchiyAr tirumozhi. SrImathI gOdA pirAtti has blessed us
with two prabandams TiruppAvai and nAchchiyAr tirumozhi.
I have NOT learnt "vAraNam Aayiram" as a separate prabandam.

You wrote:
> I would like more information on Vaaranam Aayiram and the 
> gist of the paasurams.

The inner meaning of "vAraNam Aayiram" can be learnt through
its corresponding vyAkyAnams. The outline of "vAraNam Aayiram" 
is our thAyAr ANdAL has sung about her dream in which she sees 
SrIman NArAyaNan marrying her as per vaidika tradition.

Thanks & Regards
M.S.HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (

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