rejoining the bhakti-list

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Feb 05 2001 - 23:52:00 PST

srImathE saTakOpAya namah
srImathE rAmAnujAya namah
srImathE anantArya mahAguravE namah
srImadh vara vara munayE namah

dear bhAgavathAs,

After a gap of about 2 months, I am able to rejoin
the bhakti list. In the past two months, by the Lord's
and AchAryAs' grace, it has been possible for me to
move to chennai. It took me sometime to get settled
before I could join the bhakti list again.

My new contact details are as follows:
ph: 91-44-855-5887
address: 5, Jagadambal Colony IInd street, unit B4
 Royapettah, chennai 600 014, India

In the past couple of months, if anyone has
tried to reach me at my old ( 
address, please contact me at my new address. I 
apologize for the inconvenience -

I will shorty post some details about the divya dEsam
kainkaryam and a couple of other important 
happenings here.

AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,
adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan,
thirumalai anandAnpiLLai varadhan

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           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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