Re: Compilation of the Periya tirumozhi

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Feb 01 2001 - 16:04:27 PST

SrImathE rAmAnujAya namah:

Dearest all,

Sri UttamUr SwAmy mentions in his "prabandha rakshai" on PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi,
that since GodhA PiraaTTi is BhUmi PiraaTTi's incarnation, she is the first one
to be given importance and her PAsurams need to be recited first. Sicne GodhA
PiraaTTi (Sri Andal) considers herself as none othan the disciple (sishya) of
Bhattar Piraan, VishNu chitthan, PeriYAzhwAr, her AchArya's pAsurams need to be
recited first. Thus, PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi comes first. Also Sri UttamUr Swamy
says that,  the 4000 is Tamil Vedas, and the entire ThiruppallANdu is the
praNavam, where the essence of 4000 is housed.

Sri ANdAL's ThiruppAvai is the seed of all Vedas; PeriyAzhwAr's ThiruppallANdu
is the praNavam itself. After all, the father in law gets top priority; and he
is one other than the Periya Thiruvadi (GarudA- VainathEyar).

adiyEn's two cents worth.

PeriAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam
Narayana Narayana
Sri Mani wrote:
The first thousand or 'mudal Ayiram' appears to contain poems
of an easy to understand, popular nature, and those which can
be easily applied to daily worship.  Hence we have the tiruppallANDu
and periyazvar tirumozi, tiruppAvai, tiruppaLLiyezucci, etc., all of
which are not very esoteric at first glance, which have immediate
emotional appeal, and which can be used in daily household and temple
Rest  deleted though excellent in content..

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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