Re: Compilation of the Periya tirumozhi
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Thu Feb 01 2001 - 11:57:47 PST
Your questions are intriguing. I have come to some conclusions as to why the Prabandham was arranged in the way it was. The first thousand or 'mudal Ayiram' appears to contain poems of an easy to understand, popular nature, and those which can be easily applied to daily worship. Hence we have the tiruppallANDu and periyazvar tirumozi, tiruppAvai, tiruppaLLiyezucci, etc., all of which are not very esoteric at first glance, which have immediate emotional appeal, and which can be used in daily household and temple worship. The second thousand contains the collected works of tirumangai AzvAr set to music (isai). With respect to the arrangement of the patikams themselves, there is the viewpoint that the AzvAr, after first declaring the glory of the the nArAyaNa mantra wished to go to the place of origin of the mantra, i.e., northern India. I have not studied the entire tirumozi in enough detail to conclude whether it is an artificial arrangement or not. Even if compiled afterward, I do not think it unreasonable that the AzvAr himself took his tirumozi patikams and rearranged them in a pradakshiNa manner. Getting back to the arrangement of the Prabandham as a whole, we know that nAthamunigaL separated the works into isai (music) and iyal (chants). This explains why random compositions of varous AzvArs are thrown together in the iyaRpa. The only conceivable reason is that this was done to separate the musical from the non-musical portions. Logically then, the third thousand should contain the tiruvAymozi, with the iyaRpa considered the fourth and final collection. We see this order being followed in the adhyayanOtsavam as well, with the first three thousand including the tiruvAymozi recited first, and the iyaRpa hurriedly chanted in a single day on the final day. These days of course almost none of the original music of the isai section survives, and even in Srirangam tiruvAymozi is essentially recited by the araiyars. Interestingly, the iyaRpa, which was originally only prosaically recited, is chanted in much more musical tune than the isai! Mani > While looking at the individual works within the Divya prabandham, > one questiojn comes to mind regarding the composition/compilation of > the periya tirumozhi and other works within the divya prabandham. > > While there is some evidence in the case of the tEvAram and paripATal > that they were organized around the the melodies in which they were > rendered (paNmuRai), similar data esp on how the Divyaprabandham was > compiled seems to be lacking in the traditional literature (6000 > GPP). > > While for tiruvAymozhi the antAdi structure does give some necessary > clues, the case of periya tirumozhi does not seem to be so self- > evident. For example, the organization of the verses in the sequence > of approx north to south (of divyadesam's) appears elegant but > artificial. For example, why would a native of tiruvAli sing about > naimicAraNyam before so many decads on tirukkaNNapuram, evidently one > of the favorite stalams for the AzvAr, assuming the periyatirumozhi > was intended as a single poem. > > In other words, is there any evidence within periyatirumozhi itself > that the currently available sequence is basically a product of the > compilation exercise? > > Thanks and Warm Regards, > > LS -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to:
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