Dr. N.S.AnanthrangAcchAr's Second teleupanyAsam: Jan 28 , 2001
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Wed Jan 31 2001 - 14:00:21 PST
Dear BahkthAs: Dr.NSA Swamy gave yet another lucid and most informative upanyAsam last week( jan 28) on the Series on the Spirtual paths of VedAnthA . The first lecture has been summarized in a posting on Januray 15( #11480 of Bahkthi list Messages).That UpanyAsam dealt with the qualifications required of a Saadhaka and the importance of AchArya PrApthi for the realization of the fruits of SaadhanA . In this upanyAsam , he focused on the concept of SaadhanA as revealed by Rg Vedic Rks. He plans to go from Rg Vedic approach to that taken by Upanishads, GitA and VedAnthA SoothrAs in that order. Dr.NSA Swamy's UpanyAsams are treaure troves and the fruits of deep study in VedAnthA. We are indeed fortunate to listen to them . I would like to encourage as many bhakthAs as possible to particpate in these upanyAsams and get their doubts cleared. Sri Krishna Kalale once again served as an outstanding moderator in the Q&A sessions . His summary of the Questions from the particpants for the benefit of Dr.NSA were excellent. I will summarize the highlights of this upanyAsam as a kaimkaryam to others , who could not attend . Please overlook any mistakes in my summary that might have arisen from poor grasping of the deep concepts addressed by Dr.NSA. Other particpants are invited to correct them. January 28 UpanyAsam ********************* (1) Rg veda manthrAs provide an important underpinning for understanding the spiritual paths as expounded by the classical system of VedAnthA . (2)Yaaska in his Niruktham has pointed out that Rg Veda manthrAs have 3 levels of meanings : (a) Yaj~nArtham or for ritualistic purposes (b) Aadhi DhaivArtham (Agni , Vaayu , SooryA et al)and (c)AdhyAthmArtham or in the supreme spiritual sense. (3) In the adhyAthmArtham , the philosophical vision is perfectly understood inspite of the ritualistic undertones. No system of exposition of Vedantha is picked out in Rg Vedam ,which gives praise to One Supreme Lord (Aathman) , which is called by different names: yEka yEva AathmA , BahaudhA ShrUyathE , TasyA anga- prathyangA itharANi ( Other references: yEkam sadh viprA: bahudhA vadanthyagnim Yamam maatharisvAnamAhu: Rg Rk: I.164.46) (4) THREE important aspects of SaadhanA can be understood from Rg veda SamhithA : (a) Purification/PURGATION or Aathma samskaraNam (b)MEDITATION on the Supreme to divest us of inauspiciousnes and introduce all that is good , grand and subham. (c) UNITIVE LIFE .All efforts should be made towards gaining PurushArtham.Harmony between life here and the life here after has to be achieved . Balance has to be struck between Pravrutthi and nivrutthi ( action and giving up all) to attain the supreme goal of SaadhanA and its parama purushArtham. (5) There are number of Rg Vedic manthrams that underline the above vision . The following Rg Rk is a revelatrory one: pari chinmarthO dhraviNam mamanyAdh rthasya paTA namasA vivAsEth utha svEna krathunA sam vadhEtha srEyAmsam dhaksham manasA jagrubhyAth Rg Vedam : Xth Canto -->31.2 (meaning): Let a mortal be first desirous of accumulating wealth and strive to gain it by truthful means and sacrifice and by his own mental insight , and let him finally earn it with his wisdom and virtuous efforts. Swamy said that man should earn wealth by all righteous means and use it for the good of all . Here , the process of worldly conduct (pravrutthi dharmam) is outlined. Earning has to be accomplished without attachment for the good of the people . The earner has to reflect upon the true nature of himself , the universe , its cause and purpose through his intellect (KrathunA manasA visuddhEna sam vadEtha). One who understands this well from reflection will surrender himself to the Supreme One (srEyasAM daksham )) ,who controls all actions and hold on to Him firmly (jagrubhyAth). All the THREE aspects of Saadhanai ( Purgation , Meditation and Unitive Life) are covered in this Rk. (6) In another Rg veda manthram containig the following phrases ,( sahasra rayim dEhi--adhrOhENa VachasA sathyam -- subrahmANam bruhantham gurum --abhivAdhisham--svavasam-- suneetham --samsayam--bhUri vaaram ), the three fundamental concepts of Saadhanai are affirmed again.The message is : One should follow the auspicious path of life to acquire happiness and highest wealth by travelling on a sinless path (Svasthi pankthAm anucharENa).It is an ardous task . The manthram does not suggest release from this burden for the Saadhakan(na asyA: vimucham).He yokes himself to the burden(uphill task) in a spirit of MahA VisvAsam in the Supreme One leading him on the right path (prakaratha:) He will be prepared to face the difficult path and cross it with courage.He will stay away from petty-minded people and trust fully only in the Supreme One. The Saadhakan will not live on the labors of others( Maaham Raajan anyakruthEna BhOjam). Self reliance (No para RuNam), hard work to maintain himself and leading a contented life rich in auspicous thoughts (namasA vivAsEdh)will be the hall marks of that Saadhakan.He will recognize that life divested of sins is not possible without the grace of the compassionate Lord.He will therefore pray for the removal of all weakness , animosity (dhvEsahm) and purificatoion of the mind to banish all the diseases that have entered into the house of mind.Dr.NSA Swamy quoted one of the shortest manthrams of Rg Vedam here with just ten syllables (X.20.1) in this context: " bhadram nO api vaathaya mana:"( Oh supreme Lord ! May Thou inspire our mind towards beneficial works!) . Saayana intreprets this propitaiation to the Lord as : "Tvath sambhandhi-SthOthra- karaNE prErayEth" ( Please manifest towards us a favorable mind and bless us to be engaged in euolgies relating to You ). The insight is given that all actions are ruled over by the all compassionate Lord. All attainments are recognized as gifts of the Lord.This covers all attained by body ,mind and knowledge. Lord is invoked to direct us in the right way. man can not do anything independently. For those , who question His existence and ask who has seen Him , The Lord gives the answer (ayamasmi ,pasya maa iha). ALL THESE ARE PRELUDE TO GREAT ACHIEVEMENT ( INTENSE DEVOTION TO LORD ). WE CAN DO THIS ALL WITH HIS HELP. ALL DISCIPLINES ARE MEANT FOR THAT PURPOSE ONLY. The Saadhakan prays: mruLa mahyam jeevAthumicchA .Oh Lord ! please accept what is uttered by me , who is longing for You (thvAm ichcu:).Make me blessed with Your realization ( Kruthim maam Devavantham). Make life worth living so that such a life will contribute richly to the fructification of You , the Supreme Being ! We reached by this time , the half way point of a Two hour UpanyAsam as Dr.NSA Swamy completed the survey of the Purification of the Mind , the first of the three steps of a SaadhanA. We will cover the rest of the UpanyAsam in a subsequent posting . Daasan , V.SatakOpan -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list@eGroups.com
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