Re: Pronunciation of Brhama, Vahni, Jahnu, etc.
From the Bhakti List Archives
Krishna Kalale • Fri Apr 25 1997 - 15:09:54 PDT
At 09:50 PM 4/23/97 -0700, Mani Varadarajan wrote: > >No one has stepped forward to answer this question yet, >so let me take a shot. I am no authority on Sanskrit phonetics, >but I have always heard these words pronounced as "brum-ha", >"van-hi", etc., with the "h" sound coming after the "m" sound. > >I recall reading elsewhere that originally these words may >have been pronounced with the "h" sound coming first -- the >old Greek transliterations of these words spell them as >"braachmaNa", etc., implying that the "h" sound came *before* >the "m". > >Any Panini experts care to offer their opinion? > >Mani > >P.S. I am happy Sri Krishnamachari did not hesitate to >post this informal, everyday question to the list. We used >to have many more of these in the early days of our activity. >I hope no one is scared of posting their questions or thoughts, >no matter how casual they may seem! Please, use this list for >dialogue on any issues of faith and religious practice you >are wondering about. I also had this doubt also. I asked this question to many folks. there seems to be a difference in the way the words brahma, vahni etc. are written in sanskrit and how they are pronounced. As far as I know they are pronounced as Bramha, Vanhi etc. I do know that even in vedic recitations, these are the pronunciation. I thought sanskrit was phonetic. even to day no one has answered me properly why is this anomaly. Krishna Krishna Kalale 619-658-5612 (phone) 619-658-2115 (fax)
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