8th day of Sri Raama Navami Navaaham
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sun Apr 20 1997 - 19:55:24 PDT
Dear Raama Bhakthaas : I will cover the 7th and 8th charaNa vaakyams in this posting . SEVENTH CHARANAM ************************* puraaNa purusha nruvaraathmajaasritha paraadheena karaviraadha raavaNa viraavaNa anagha paraasara manOhara vikrutha THYAGARAAJA SANNUTHA (jagadhaanandakaaraka) This charaNam was the second level at which the Saint was going to stop . Hence he added another svanaama mudhraa . Then he thought about it and added three more charaNams to reach the level of 108 naamaas for his ashtOtthara pancharathnam . The Naamaas enshrined in this SEVENTH charaNam are SEVEN in number : 1. Om PuraaNa purushaaya nama : 2. Om nruvaraathmajaaya nama: 3. Om aasrtitha paraadheenaaya nama: 4. Om Kara viraadha RaavaNa viraavaNaaya nama : 5. Om anagaaya nama: 6. Om Paraasara manOharaaya nama: 7. Om vikrutha Thyagaraajaaya sannuthaaya nama : Sri Raamaa is without beginning and end as revealed by VishNu sahasra naamam : " Anaadhi nithanam VishNum sarvaloka mahesvaram " . He is anaadhi or akaalOpadhikan . Sage Valmeeki has pointed out that those , who think about the puraaNa purushotthaman, Sri Raaman , will receive all the blessings in this life and the hereafter: yE tvaam dhruvam bhakthaa: puraaNa purushOtthamam I praapnuvanthi sadhaa kaamaan iha lokE parathra cha II Om PuraaNa purushaaya nama: is also one of the naamaas of Sri Rama AshtOttharam . The second naamam of this charaNam is " Om nruvaraathmajaaya nama: " . Nruvaran refers to Dasaratha chakravarthi . His aathmajan (progeny ) is Raaman ( Chakravarthy kummaran ) or Daasarathy . The name Daasarathy is very close to the heart of the saint . He has celebrated the Nruvaraathmajan (Dasarathy ) in number of his krithis : 1 .DaasarathE dayaa charathE (Kokilapriyaa raagam ) 2. Dasaratha nandana dhaanava marthana dayayaa maam paahi (Asaaveri raagam ) 3. Daasarathee nee ruNamu theerpa taramaa (Thodi Raagam ) The third namaskaaram of this charaNam is " Om aasritha paraadheenaaya nama: " . Raama has been caught up in the net of vaathsalyam (Bhakthi ) of his devotees and is under their influence (paraadheenan ). Raamaa is readily accessible to His devotees through Dhyaanam as indicated by the following passage of the verse : bhaktha priyam , bhaktha samaadhi gamyam , chintaaharam , chinthitha kaamadhEnum --" For those meditating on Him with amala hrudhayam through His Taaraka manthram , He readily becomes accessible and is " commanded" by them (vide : Thirumozhisai Aazhwaar ) : nithyam Sri Raama manthram nirupamaadhikam neethisugyana manthram I sathyam Sri Raama manthram sadhamala hrudhayE sarvadhaarOgya manthram II VaseekaraNam of Sri Raama is made possible for these pure hearted ones reciting Rama naamam . Saint ThyagaraajA performed 96 drores of Rama japam and attained the privelege of seeing Raamaa in person at his house on the Thirumanjana veedhi of Thiruvaiaaru . The fourth salutation of this charaNam is : " Om Kara viradha RaavaNa viraavaNaaya nama: " . This salutation is for the Veeraraaghavan and follows along the line of Bhagavatham and Nammaazhwaar . Bhagavatham salutes Raama as " Kaladhava dahana: kosalEndraavathaannaha " . Bhagavatham asks for the protection of the wild fire(Raamaa) that burned the trees of the rakshasa kulam (Karan, Viraadhan and RaavaNan ) to cinders . NammaazhwAr salutes Sri Raama in this context as : " Irudeekesan Yemmaan ilangai arakkar kulam murudu theertha piraan , yemmaan amarar pemmaan " . The fifth salutation of this charaNam is : " Om anagaaya nama: " . The saint of Thiruvaiaaru has already saluted Sri Raama as " Anagaa paripoorNan " in the first charaNam . He comes back to that name" Aangaa "once again , when he gets overwhelmed by the thought of the blemishless and paripoorNa mangaLa svarupam of the Lord . The parama paavanan , who declared , " Abhayam sarva bhoothEbhyO dadaam yethadh vratham mama " is saluted here as anagan . The sixth namaskaaram is for the Lord celebrated by Paraasara Muni , the author of VishNu puraaNam known for spreading the Raamaa NaraayaNa naama siddhaantham . Paraasara Muni has revealed to us the greatness of Raama naama japam in his puraaNam : Yasmin nyastha mathi : na Yaathi narakam svargOpi yacchintanE vigna : Yathra nivEsithaathmamanasO brahmOpi lokOalpakaa: mukthim chetasi ya: sthithOamalavidhyaam pumsaam dhadhathyavya : kim chithram yadhadhyam pryaathi vilapam tathraachyuthE keerthithE -- VishNu puraaNam (meaning ) : Those , who spend their life time on Raama naama mantra japam and svarupa dhyaanam will never land in narakam . For those , who have developed the ruchi (taste) for his naamam , the world of devaas (svargam ) will not have any attraction. The world of Brahmaa will be like a inconsequential real estate. The sanaathana , saasvatha prabhu, Sri Raama resides in the hearts of such Bhakthaas and grants them moksham . When one knows the above -mentioned fruits of Raama nama japam and understand the anagaa nature of Sri Raaman and recognize Him as sarva paapa naasi , there is no surprise for them about His power and Bahktha paraadheena guNam . The seventh and the last salutation of this seventh charaNam is a complicated one : " Om Vikrutha Thyagaraaja sannuthaya nama: ". This naamam can be split into two : " Om vikruthaaya nama: and Om Thyagaraaja Sannuthaaya nama: " . The naama Vikruthaaya nama: is connected with the Lakshmi sahasranaamam , " Om vikruthyai nama: ". Here the word "Vikruthi " means limitless or aadhi antha- rahitha paramaathma svarupam . In this context , one can intrepret the saint"s salutation to the limitless form and guNaas of the Lord. The second namaskaaram , " Om Thyagaraaja sannuthaaya nama : " would mean the Lord , who is eulogized very well by Thyagaraajaa . If we use the naamaa in an undivided sense , then , it would refer to the pitiable and helpless state of Thyagaraaja , who was longing for the Lord"s grace and darsana bhaagyam . This can also be considered as a naicchaanusandhaanam (self-depreceatory statement ) of the saint lamenting over his inability to have dhruva smrithi ( unceasing rememberance ) of the Lord . The following Garuda PuraaNa slokam describes the misfortunes that befall such a vikruthaa not having dhruva smruthi : Yann muhoortham kshaNam vaapi VaasudEvO na chinthyatE I saa haani : tann mahacchithram sa braanthi saa cha vikriyaa II (meaning ) : Great losses happen to those , who forget VaasudEvaa even for a moment . Inappropriate thoughts and associated paapams accrue to those dhayaana heenis (those with lapses in dhyaanam ) . They become vikruthaas . Saint Thyagaraajaa , who was always immersed in Raama naama Japam and naama sankeerthanam and aarAdhanam has criticized himself severely for his lack of dhruva smrithi and considered himself a vikruthaa . For instance , Saint confesses in his varaaLi krithi , " nO rEmi Sri Raama ninnAda " about his deficiencies. Again in his kaapi raaga krithi , " Meevalla GuNa dhoshamEmi , Sri Raamaa " and in his punnaga VaraaLi krithi, " Paahi KalyANa sundara " , he states that he is full of vikruthis and begs for the Lord's grace for dhruva smruthi . As a nija bhakthaa in a mood of aarthi prapatthi , the saint cried out " OM vikrutha Thyagaraaja sannuthaaya nama: " . 8TH CHARANA VAAKYAMS ***************************** THERE ARE SIX NAAMAAS HERE : 1. Om sajjana maanasa abdhi sudhakaraaya nama: 2. Om Kusuma Vimaanaaya nama: 3. Om Surasaa ripu karaabhja laalitha charaNaa VaghuNaaya nama: 4. Om asura gaNa matha haraNaaya nama: 5. Om sanaathanaaya nama: 6. Om Aja nuthaaya nama: In the first namaskaaram , Saint Thyagaraajaa indicated that Raamachandra murthy is like the chandran for the ocean (mind ) of great bahkthaas with dhruva smrithi such as the child Dhruvan , the old lady Sabari , the asuraa child Prahlaadhan , Bheeshmar, Vithurar , Vyaasar , Sukar and Parasarar . They have niradasiaya sraddhaa , bhakthi and mahaa viswaasam in the Lord and therefore are of the kind of sajjanaas , whom the saint wants to emulate. In the second namaskaaram , " Om Kusuma vimaanaaya nama: " , Here the reference is to the journey of Raamaa back from Lankhaa on Pushpaka vimaanam to Ayodhyaa with His dear consort Sitaa , the Lord of Lankhaa , VibhishaNaa , LakshmaNaa and the monkey king Sugreevaa , Hanumaan and others brought back to life from the battle field . BhOdEndrAL prays for this Pushpaka vimaana sanchaari to play in his mind always : svetha pushpakamaaruhya Sithaayaa saha Raaghava: I SugreevAdhi bhavath bhakthai : manOmadhyE ramasva mE II The third namaskaaram of the 8th charaNam is connected with an incident that happened over the Ocean , when Hanumaan was jumping over it to reach Lankhaa and search for Sitaa there. During samudhraa lankanam described in the Sundara Khaandam , the mother of sarpams , Surasaa devi took a gigantic form and obstructed the flight of Hanumaan .She commanded Hanumaan to be her food . Hanumaan shrank his size from the gigantic one to that of the size of a thumb and entered her outstrtched mouth and left it very quickly . Valmeeki salutes Hanumaan's daring performance as similar to the exit of chandran from the mouth of Raahu . Surasaa devi was pleased with Hanumaan's cleverness and assumed the figure of a beautiful youg woman and blessed Hanumaan to be victorious in his endeavour. Saint Thyagaraajaa addresses Hanumaan in this namaskaaram as " Surasaa ripu " or the enemy of Surasaa. Hanumaan"s kaimkaryam in pressing RamachandrA's tired feet with his soft hands is described in the rest of the namaskaaram as " {(Sarasaa ripu ) karaabhja laalitha charaNaavaguNaaya nama: } " . The fourth namaskaaram of this charaNam is : " Om asura gaNa madha haraNaaya nama: " . The madham or the arrogance of the hordes of the servants of RaavaNaa was destroyed by Raamaa in the battle field. Saint ThyagarAjA saluted the valour of Raghuveeran here . The fifth namaskaaram Is " Om sanaathanAya nama: " . This naama is closely asociated with the 898th VishNu sahasra naamam ( Om sanaathana tamaaya nama: ) . The name sanaathana refers to the ancient, timeless aspect of the Lord. " Even in the past He was new . Despite the fact that His existence is eternal , He is always more enjoyable and fresh , as though He is new and never seen before ." He is the PuraaNa purushan, Sanathanan as saluted by BodEndraaL : vedhyam visvamayam svaleena bhuvana svaraajya soukhya pradham I purNam purNataram puraaNa purusham RAAMAM bhajE taarakam II The sixth and the final namaskaaram is , " Om Aja nuthaaya nama: " . Here the reference is to the salutations of Chathurmukha Brahmaa after recovery of the VedAs with the help of the Lord , who took Matsyaavatharam and Hamsaavatharam and Hayagreevaavathaaram for helping His son . Ajaa is the name for Brahmaa. Om Sri Raamabhadra ParabrahmaNE nama: Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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