Re: The Moustache

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Apr 30 2002 - 01:50:17 PDT

Dear friends,
Interesting piece on moustache.

May i add one more information on this subject.

In Valmiki ramayana in the sundara kandam, there comes a chapter in 
which sri Hanuman, in a bid to get into the good books of Sita in the 
Ashoka vana sings in praise of sri rama. This pariticular chapter
(sorry iam unable to quote the chapter number) is about the 
description of Srirama's beauty and his physical characteristics as 
mouthed by Sri Hanuman ( In this context I would like to hear from 
our learned friends whether this is the one and only place in 
Ramayana speaking of sri rma's soundarya gunas from the point of view 
of Sri Hanuman)
Sri hnuman unmistakably speaks of the moustache of Sri Rama in this 
There is every possibility that Sri Rama had stopped shaving after he 
lost Sita (something of a 'Devadas' look- pardon me for using this 
phrase)But that Sri Hanuman speaks of the moustache alone and 
describes the beauty of his face  is proof enough that Sri rma must 
have sported moustache regularly and desisted from putting up an 
unkempt look even at the saddest times.

Kindly pardon me for any mistakes sited,

--- In bhakti-list@y..., sadagopan iyengar  
> Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatindra
> Mahadesikaya Nama:
>                            The Moustache
>                       _________________

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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