Re: Article by Sri TA Krishnamacharya Swami
From the Bhakti List Archives
TCA Venkatesan • Tue Apr 30 2002 - 08:32:07 PDT
Dear Sri Mani and others, First thing I wanted to point out was that it was a translation of an article, but the words used were mine, without any approval from Sri TAK Swami. So, it is possible that I have misinterpreted what the author had intended. Having said that, let me answer Sri Mani's point. I do not want to go deep into the interpretations on Bhakti and Prapatti as it is a topic in itself. However, we do need to understand what the term Bhakti means and what is the context in which I had used it. For ease of understanding I will use the terms Bhakti yoga and Bhakti marga. The Bhakti that is refered to in the Sastras is Bhakti yoga. This is one of the highest forms of approach to the Lord as was practised by highly evolved souls such as Rishis. This is the constant remembering of the Lord through manas, vak and kayam without any break whatsoever. There was also the Bhakti practised as sheer love for the Lord as shown by the Azhvars. Our acharyas have placed this above that of the Rishis. There are other paths shown to reach the Lord such as Gnyana Yoga and Karma Yoga. Bhakti marga on the other hand is what most of us practice which is the daily upAsana, following rituals, going to the temple, etc. To address your query, is Prapatti separate from Bhakti yoga - I think it is. Is it separate from Bhakti marga - I don't think so. The jeevan having done prapatti continues on in the path of Bhakti marga in praising and living his remaining life for the Lord. You seem to imply that taking refuge in the Lord as part of the Bhakti yoga is to be considered as the same as Prapatti. It is my understanding that this is not the case. Prapatti defined as a separate path shows complete and abject surrender with the knowledge that there is nothing further needed on the part of the jeevan to do to reach Him, at the end of that life itself. Bhakti yoga is something that is expected to be constantly practised through many lives, even after taking refuge, before moksha is attained. One final point. There appears to be a constant refrain that while Bhakti yoga is a very difficult path, Prapatti is an easy method of reaching Him. From my limited understanding, this appears as incorrect. The requirements for a prapannan appear to be very stringent which perhaps many do not follow. As an example, consider the quality of maha vishvasam. Is it easily practised? It is perhaps this understanding of our inabilities that led Him and other acharyas to allow acharyas to intercede on behalf of jeevans in the performance of prapatti. Please note the above ramblings are entirely an exhibition of my poor knowledge and as such are subject to criticism and corrections. adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan TCA Venkatesan -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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