Re: Article by Sri TA Krishnamacharya Swami

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Apr 29 2002 - 15:15:57 PDT

--- In bhakti-list@y..., TCA Venkatesan  wrote:
> Sriman Narayana has pointed to Bhakti as the path
> to Moksha in many places but He has also 
> emphasized Sarangati as the main path for 
> mumukshus ("mumukshurvai SarNam aham prapadhye").


I have some concerns about this interpretation. 
Mumukshu simply means one who is desirous of
liberation and the teaching of saranagati is
presented entirely in the context of bhakti
and upAsana. The interpretation presented above
presumes that saranagati is divorced from bhakti, 
that they are two totally different paths.  This 
assumption appears to be totally absent in the 
Upanishads, the Gita, and for the most part, in 
Divya Prabandham.

For the Svetasvatara Upanishad quote cited above,
it merely declares that one desirous of liberation
takes refuge in Supreme Lord, the First Cause.
As we know, taking refuge is part and parcel of
the devotional attitude in bhakti itself.  Sri
Krishna teaches this many times in the Gita.

   mAm eva ye prapadyante mAyAm etAm taranti te |

   Indeed, those who surrender to Me cross this maya
   (known as prakRti).  -- Gita 7.14

   tam eva cAdyam purusham prapadyet |

   One should take refuge with that Primeval Person alone.
   -- Gita 15.4

These are only a couple of examples and in each case
Bhagavad Ramanuja has interpreted this as an attitude 
to be cultivated in bhakti-yoga, and not as something
different. He also mentions it as the beginning
point of bhakti-yoga in his comments on Gita 18.66.

Without resorting the pAncarAtra Agama, is there
any source in shaastra for the assumption that
prapatti is indeed totally divorced from bhakti
in the manner described above?   

In other words, in Sri Ramanuja's system, does not self-surrender 
dictate a cultivation of one's attitude of the bhakta himself,
since the wise bhakta is defined by Sri Ramanuja as 
'bhagavat-seshataika-rasa-Atma-svarUpa-vit' -- one who knows 
his self's true nature as finding enjoyment purely in existing 
for the sake of the glory of Bhagavan?

  'veedumin muRRavum veedu seydhu; ummuyir veedudaiyaan idai
   veedu ceymminE'

aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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