From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Apr 26 2002 - 14:31:53 PDT

Dear Bhagavatas,

I have been researching the connections between Yoga (especially Classical 
Yoga, Raja Yoga) in relation to Sri Vaishnavism.

I have a copy of Lester's book "Ramanuja on Yoga" which I found to be 
insightful and clearly written. A point that I have not found reference to 
is one I found on the Ahobila Mutt homepage (excuse me if this is the 
incorrect source).

One such source made the statement that there were two forms of approach to 
Sri Narayana:
1) bhakti yoga--which was none other than the ashtangha system with a 
distinct theistic orientation

and the other
2)prapatti yoga, prescribed for our circumstances

I have a few questions. Kindly respond if you have any information or 
thoughts you would share:

1) in Lester's book Ramanuja is quoted as (more or less) not regarding 
Patanjali's formulation as a valid approach to Bhagavan. Meditation has as 
its true fruit, bhakti. Are than any other references which support this and 
is this a generally accepted view?

2) Also, is the above distinction of bhakti yoga (as astangha Yoga) a common 

3) Does anyone know of any syncretisms between Sri Vaishnavism or 
Vaishnavism and Yoga?

4) What were supposedly the contents of Nathamuni's Yoga Rahasya? Is Sri T. 
Krishnamacharya's manuscript of the Yoga Rahasya considered authentic 
amongst Sri Vaishnavas?

I hope this message meets you well by the grace of Bhagavan.

Jagadish Dasa

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